Ship deleted/recycled by player with enemies nearby

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Killed the cockpit (or atleast the player) of a garage ship Raider. While working on removing the core it was recycled or cb:destroyed while i was right next to it.
Player(s) with issue: karuoxa
Server: HWS NA
Time (cb:time): 03:45~
Playfield: Golden Globe
Structure Name(s): HV_Prefab_Tier4? or something similar to that.
Structure ID(s): No clue.
How can we help you now: No clue, return the structure to me without an alien core? (was in the process of shooting it out when it was destroyed right in front of me)

Extra information.

Caught Phoenix from TAW mining in his raider, got inside his base and when he tried to get away i shot out his cockpit or killed his player through the backdoor of his raider.
While in the process of coreing it he either recycled or cb:destroyed it right infront of my eyes.

Thanks for any assistance.

  • Karuoxa

If you got further than 75m from the ship it can be recycled.

Sucks to suck.

I was practically touching it. Maybe 10 meters away.


I wasn’t alone either, Hanable was really close to it as well.

If at any point someone was further than 75m from the ship and he queued the recycle command (Delays accounted for server ticks) the ship will be able to recycle.

I was right there with him no more then 30 meters when we shot him out, he managed to recycle it regardless of both of us right up close to him.

I was staying up with the ship, trying to core it while Hanable went down to the ground to kill him. I was always well within the range.

Define Always?

If the attack was shorter than 4-5 minutes he could still recycle with the server ticks delaying your ship being near his on the database.

You know how like, when you get to your Donor planet and you’re trying to recycle something and sometimes it makes you wait like 5minutes before it shows it on your playfield etc.

It happens.

Yes u can destroy or recycle with enemy near by if u time it right.