Ship Glitched

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> A Large chunk of my ship looks like it was cut out.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> SKeev. I was scavenging a Zirx ship. went back to mine and plants were dying in front of me. P button to get into console wasn’t working. I reset game and huge chunk is missing.

Server? (EU or NA)
=> NA

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 7/11/20 between 5-5:30 CST ish

On which Playfield?
=> Noudemael System. Lyoth Moon sector.

Structure Name(s)?
=> Black Pearl MKII 4663748

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 4663748

How can we help you now?
=> I lost pretty much my entire MAIN storage. Ive been struggling to farm mats to repair ship. Id like what some help replenishing. I have ship moved but its in PVP planet cause that was my only option.

Welcome to HWS @SKeeV
I checked your ship and can’t see a missing chunk.
If it got resolved with a relog please solve the tickets then

This happened @ 5:30 ish and was working since then to TRY and repair Managed to farm parts to repair but the ship is dead to me know. Cause of glitch I have invisible blocks. Id like assistance in person. Im online now

I used repair bay and upon competition and NOW cant place ramp, generator, shield or Warp drive in its original spot. invisible blocks.

It was not handled FYI. No admin has helped me. I tried to use repair bay.

I’m not on the computer right now.
Hours ago I teleported to your ID you mentioned and everything looked good.
Maybe you mentioned a wrong id? Otherwise I’ll check when I’m on PC again

Ship name Black Pearl. The major hole was filled from repair bay but there is invisible blocks now preventing fixing. also my storage is all gone. is there a way to role back my ship to before it crashed. Its still glitched and unusable I will need to make another if u cant fix.

Was a very long grind for mats its an expensive build.

I think you didn’t read what I wrote so again: I can fix almost everything IF I’m on PC and not on my mobile phone.
So have patience and all will be good. I’m back in 2 hours

I spent all day yesterday from 5:30-3 AM grinding mats for repair bay

I read it. wasnt pushing the issue I understand your away. just adding bullet points

TY. Ill log of and go do other things. Unless u need me in couple hours online. When u get to my ship u will notice the back ramp door gone. the invisible blocks wont let me apply new ramp, generator, shield, warp drive same issues. it will look repaired from afar.

I restored it now from a backup from yesterday 11PM, 23 hours ago.

OH Wow… Thats crazy. The incident happened around 5:30 PM so fact you gave me back all loot that was farmed just before then and MAIN STORAGE and have ship back as whole. OH It white now… lol It was never white even when I spawned it in. That’s the color from the original author’s build and all signals and switches tied to em are gone. BUT I have a ship with shield, door and warp drive. TY

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