Ship is stuck underground after using get ship here\get ship down

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> My ship was rebuilt with the Advanced Repair bay and ever since then its actual location in the world seems broken. Using the get ship here command or get ship down command has since the ship way down into the very mantle of the plent and i cant even dig to it

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Social

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE NA

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 05/29/2023 22:12

On which Playfield?
=> Khelo beta\Valupad moon

Structure Name(s)?
=> Pack Mule

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 9057072

How can we help you now?
=> Gett it out of the ground so i can actually get to it and fix my ships true center or atleast help me identify how to actually fix it

Hey, is it still a problem? According to the logs the ship is fine. Maybe a visual glitch. Maybe server restart will fix it.

It’s definitely still in the ground. There’s something persistently wrong with the ship. After the repair it’s had weird collision issues. This is just the latest weirdness

I still have a problem but now the ship is somewhere else. (Same Ship) I was able to get it out of the ground by buying a bases starter core from the marketplace, and then building a tower to do the move ship command. got it mostly out of the ground and I excavated enough of it to finish it off. However it randomly did it again on MkabsII and I really just cant be asked to got through that again. if you could put my ship in space or somewhere off planet. I’m just going to just completely disassembly the thing and put it back together cause this is just unplayable in this state and i have no idea what else to do.

Hey, I understand. Sorry for the trouble.
Just give me a place / space where I should move it to. I will directly recreate it. So mabye it will also fix the issue for now

Either in orbit above the planet it’s on in that sector and I’ll just die and respawn on it. Or at/near our base Structure id: 9510781 and I’ll do the same.

Hopefully we won’t lose the contents as there is a lot in the containers on that ship (a whole other ship we were planning to build for my friend)

Ok, I restored it next to your base and warped you to it.

Thank you! I’ll check tonight when I get home. I assume the contents came with it?

Yes everything inside should stay.

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