Ship was unable to be targetted today

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: My ship was in battle today and all enemy turrets ignored it.
Player(s) with issue: N64211319
Server: HWS NA
Time (cb:time): 5pm central US
Playfield: Golden Globe and Black Hole
Structure Name(s): Multiple
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Just making you aware of the situation. It happened right after visiting the experimental branch server and patching back to normal, so it may have been related to game files being changed because of that, i’m not sure. Changing playfields didn’t resolve the issue. Relogging didn’t resolve the issue, repatching the experimental branch and back to normal resolved it.

Hello @n64211319

thanks for the info.
The blueprints got changed in Alpha 8.5 and switching the versions is a risk.

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