Small complain

I have small complain about new rule with overlapping bases.
Since i can not overlap blocks on coutyard anymore my base looks ugly.
Additionally i have no way of filling those small empty spaces with blocks since it will break rules.

Now im just sitting here with ugly base.
Plese fix this rule, since my ocd is getting crazy.
Or provide viable solution for fixing up my ugly base according to rules.

Build different :wink:

Slap turrets on ground like some Russians ? No thanks i like my bases nice.

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The shapes you can use for building with right click are more than enough to build good geometric buildings.

Unless you don’t show me good screenshots of your problem, I can’t help you with building.

Here is picture.

If i will try to fill this hole blocks will overlap on each other.
It will violate this rule:

You are not allowed to clip anything inside bases. For example blocks within blocks.

You have thin slopes, small slopes, medium slopes and big slopes. I don’t see here any problem and I don’t think that it will decide if you will lose this base or not

Allright, i needed clarification on this matter.
Will connect those bases nicely now.

There you go nice and tidy now. My ocd can sleep well.

I hope its not illegal

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ID of base is 24166301
Im sorry for being a bit pushy but i would love to know if this is legal and i will not lose my base :slight_smile:

In building a structure out of more than one base it is difficult, and often impossible, to create clean walls and floors at the interface without overlapping blocks because the cores are usually not at the same angle/height, even with the many shapes we have available.

For this reason overlapping blocks in hand-built PvP bases has been standard practice on this server at least since alpha 4 but is now explicitly forbidden by the new rule. People have taken it too far at times, I remember attacking several bases in 4 and 5 that had the devices from one base inside blocks from another…

I guess the only options for building multi-base structures now are to either be very careful with the initial core placements (surprisingly difficult) or just live with gaps between bases.


It’s ok.

That’s it. Similar to this post

Little bit clipping for filling holes is fine, using blocks a bit to cover turrets on BA/HV is fine.
Just use common sense for overall gameplay.

It stops if you have basically one base completely inside another base for example. Giving a whole base or big part of a base double hitpoints amount in one pixel.
Or if you clip devices Critical PvP bug on HWS - #34 by RexXxuS

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Thanks, that’s exactly what I was after! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Except, of course, during a fight where everything is questioned. Then, Rexxuss, you make a snap judgement and certain people will NOT allow ‘common sense’ answers; they’ll stick to every letter of every rule. And then what happens? HVs/SVs/CVs/BAs get deleted during combat.

Funny that.

Be interesting to see how long ‘common sense’ dictates your actions.

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If you don’t know the big picture I suggest you better be silent.

This was after the “illegale” russian attack — one week before

Even know it was known it got abused. Spare me of your snap talk.

First warning.

First warning? Awww, Rexxuss the unquestionable again, eh?

Use some of that ‘common sense’ you’re quoting and see the bigger picture, Please.

And thanks - I appreciate being thought of as smart :smiley:

and also understand that I wasn’t even talking about that attack. But ok - you’re the ever-knowing and I’m on my ‘first warning’ so I’ll try to behave.

ACM pulled from GG and no need to go back any time soon. We will also forward all combat vessels rex to get it a stamp of approval

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