Spawn CV - error with ingots

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> The story : last night i started to get the ingots from friends ( facction members ) … and i’ve put them in Factory , i had almost all …i was missign 19k sathium and 12k iron… i was to cold and to tired last night… so i logged off and went to bed…today i entered the game and found that …
same pc …same game…same everything :frowning:

Player(s) with issue:
=> Mr.Nobody

=> EU server

Time (cb:time):
=> last night --> this morning ( here in Spain )


Structure Name(s):
=> Building CV — > Factory ( Not spawned yet )

Structure ID(s):
=> Not Spawned Yet

How can we help you now:
=>If some admin can help, can check the registry or something, it would be the best…and give back the ingots i lost…, since we are talking about ALOT of ingots from Iron to Zas. If i need to provide some info …something i will try, i took alot of ingots from facction members, so mby some logs there? . If i can get back the ingots i lost…not 1 more…it would be the best.

Thank you very much


sorry but I do not quite understand what the problem is?

Good day Jascha , i have written in the discord channel : comunity-english ( with photos added )

Something happened last night i started getting ingots from people ( faction friends ) and i only needed 19k sathium ingots and 12k iron ingots to finish but i was too tired to continue so i went to sleep --(logged out as normally)…came back this morning…and found out that all my ingots that i’ve put in the factory were gone…i dididnt change nothing
…nothing at all… i am a new player…and the amount of ingots that i’ve lost it’s game ending… i’m only asking here cause as i said …i’m new , and i don’t know what happened…

If some admin can check the logs of transfers or something …i am not lying…if i can provide any form of help i will, if you want some photos i posted them on discord . The only thing i would like back are the ingots, since they are game ending for me…the amount…i don’t want not 1 more that the amount i had been given.

–Photo of error ( ingots i had gotten in factory )

–Photo of error ( ingots needed in total )

Thank you again very much

Hey, hm sadly we have not much possibility to check anything in this regard :frowning:

Hi @Mr.Nobody

It is worth pointing out to you that your picture is showing 2 different tabs.

in the top right corner you will see where it lists the requirements, the other tab next to it will show you the factory and what is already in it.

maybe this is where you are getting confused?

I managed to fix it…i’ve put the ship in the factory again, and as soon as i went to production the ingots from photo 1 …went to the new design so i only lost 10k Iron and 9k sath…but still…it’s way better that to lose all of them. Thank you guys for helping out

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