Starters were wiped last night, as well as my personal constructor, all my ore and little food i had, help if possible

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I joined the first night of Alpha 8, and left my personal constructor and the rest of items from fa:supply in the constructor. When I returned today the constructor was gone and everything else.I heard you had to do a wipe last night on starters. Can you help with the loss of ore and personal constructor? and lost the little food I had also. I tried to acces OCD but i assume you cant while on starter? Help please.
Player(s) with issue: Write here
Server: Write here
Time (cb:time): Write here
Playfield: Lawless
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Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: provide the lost ore, and fa:supply or at least have access to the ocd where i have enough to continue on. THank you in advance. If not, I may need to wait till next week.

Hello @callmeRED

the starter planets do a surface wipe every Friday 9AM.
I think this got lost due the transition to the new system.

Since Personal Container does not have any ID so we can restore them all I could do is reset your fa:supply now.
Have fun

Rexxus, thank you. I was an admin for 7D and know a small part of the work you all do, We appreciate it and see by the number of players that its appreciated by all.

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