Sugestions By Archangel

Hallo, most of you know me like Archangel FaB Founder.
I’ve been playing on this server for a while, about 90Hours or more… So i know how the server works.
First of all: Thanks to Server (rexxuss and C.) For the big and Good work they do in ruling a server in Alpha Game, continue like this guys!!!

After Thanks now i enter the core part of the discussion: ADVICES.

First Advice: PVE vs PVP

In my opinion there have to be only ONE (1) PVE planet with PVE Orbit. AKUA, Temperate and easy to live on where noobs can spawn and make theyr first experiences Safe from PVP players. After a player leave this Beginner Zone he will never be able to return (Other than resetting his Char cb:reset). I don’t know if this is possible but you should generate a command like cb:Ready with an answer cb:yes/no and if you answer yes you and the CV you are on will jump in the OPEN UNIVERSE, from there you can go everywere in the galaxy exept from the starting planet. Starting planet should have only basic Ores, Neod Sat Ere Zar should be acquired thru eb:buy:*** no possibility of gathering them.
Make a galaxy with a lot of planets moon etc… so everyone will find a suitable place where to set a base.

Second Advice: Economy

Like in real life economy is very difficult to understand. Too many Variables… Too many risks.
I dont know if things i will say will be possible to be done but i ask :stuck_out_tongue:
Is it possible to calibrate Meteorites in base of the Cost of the ORE? for ex if the Iron Ore cost will drop under 5 then metheorite of iron will no longer fall or at least at a lower rate, so people have to buy it.
Please lower the difference between Bid/Ask price… it is impossible i sell an Iron ingot at 3 and i buy it al 15… No one will ever buy it. If you keep this difference between 2-5 than you will see more people buy ores. This is for ores, for other mats it has to be a Market choice.
Let Rare Mats like ere and Zarc be only minable on planet, no asteroids, if you see that the level became too low make some event(the spawning of a Planet richo of them or somethink like it) it will keep market price more competitive and will force Traders and Alliance to keep and defend planet rich of there rare materials.

Third Advice: Respect of Rules
If you write rules… Player have to submit there rules and respect them.

Sorry for my English… I am Italian… and THX once more

My 2 Cents


Second Advice: Economy

Like in real life economy is very difficult to understand. Too many Variables… Too many risks.
I dont know if things i will say will be possible to be done but i ask :stuck_out_tongue:
Is it possible to calibrate Meteorites in base of the Cost of the ORE? for ex if the Iron Ore cost will drop under 5 then metheorite of iron will no longer fall or at least at a lower rate, so people have to buy it.
Please lower the difference between Bid/Ask price… it is impossible i sell an Iron ingot at 3 and i buy it al 15… No one will ever buy it. If you keep this difference between 2-5 than you will see more people buy ores. This is for ores, for other mats it has to be a Market choice.
Let Rare Mats like ere and Zarc be only minable on planet, no asteroids, if you see that the level became too low make some event(the spawning of a Planet richo of them or somethink like it) it will keep market price more competitive and will force Traders and Alliance to keep and defend planet rich of there rare materials.

Third Advice: Respect of Rules
If you write rules… Player have to submit there rules and respect them.

Sorry for my English… I am Italian… and THX once more

My 2 Cents


I echo both of these as really big issues for the server right now, second to server stability. The economy system as implemented is very innovative, however it seems to make traders utterly useless, as they can’t possibly make a profit selling ores to EB, nor can they trade sufficiently for the ores people need because they can’t buy them. Even if they can, the margins they need to trade to make a profit off of it deters most people from buying. You really should ask advice from active traders on EU (there’s only one US trader left, the others disbanded/stopped playing) about what they feel would be good for them.

Rules are great, but honestly the rules you have you can’t reasonably enforce without proof it seems from admins. This is a problem for US since right now there is no US admin, and EU admins need to keep weird hours depending on the timezone to watch for cheating (which has happened here before apparently). there should be a report feature on the site which allows players to submit proof (pictures, videos) of cheat instances as well as better admin tools to observe entities in game. Just some thoughts on that.

Lastly, server integrity trumps all of these concerns, for US server the latency is bad and ships and ore is disappearing like crazy. I understand there is little you can do in this instance because of the hardware, but if this is going to be an issue due to number of cores or size of ships then temporary rules need to be put in place for this server until it is upgraded, because right now it’s edging to a point where you’re looking at server wipes, and no one on the US server wants that.

[/quote=“Fenra369”] I echo both of these as really big issues for the server right now, second to server stability. The economy system as implemented is very innovative, however it seems to make traders utterly useless, as they can’t possibly make a profit selling ores to EB, nor can they trade sufficiently for the ores people need because they can’t buy them. Even if they can, the margins they need to trade to make a profit off of it deters most people from buying. You really should ask advice from active traders on EU (there’s only one US trader left, the others disbanded/stopped playing) about what they feel would be good for them.[/quote]

I think, and I could be wrong, but if you read on the EC/EB page what RexXxus intended to do witht he buy/sell economy was give a very high and very low price to allow players to trade among themselves. I dont think the market was ever meant to be the optimal mechanism for any to make profits with. More so it is an alternate or last resort source of EC and or materials if you could not find a player to trade with. The way it is setup now high price to buy from and low price to sell to it, should encourage players to work within those broad ranges and actively trade with each other leaving the market totally out of it?

Now having said that this early in the game and with only 20 some players online it may be more difficult that the end game intent of the mechanic at the moment as few of us talk in chat and even fewer of us actually run into eachother in the game at present (NA server) but hopefully that all changes over time and we all get more and more used to trading with each other, especially once the P2P trading mechanic is implemented by the developers.

I could be wrong but that is how I read it.