Suggestion: HWS connect - automatically open the right server

Every time you enter the website or refresh it you need to select HWS Server -> Europe / North America
It should remember the last choice you made and auto-open that page on load/reload.

Especially when voting it’s anoying, you click Server -> Europe -> Vote -> Vote
Now you vote
Now F5 -> Server -> Europe -> Vote -> Claim

It’s a lot of clicks :slight_smile:

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I’m reworking HWS Connect at the moment and try my best to make it as convenient as possible.
Thanks for the feedback!

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It’s quite good already, as a developer myself I can see so much potential with a more modern interface.
Also I see how increddible much work it is to do that :slight_smile:

You definitely deserve those donations, I’d charge big time for such a project when doing it professionally ^^

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Oh, thanks a lot and glad to hear you know bit more “about it” :wink:

I’m not that professional with my 15000+ lines of code for HWS Connect already and I think I know what you mean with “modern interface” but yeah, some things… are not that easy if you try to do it with quite few restrictions as FTP and CSVs here and there.
If everything would be like the HWS Skill Tree, handled by REST APIs I can easy post, put, etc. it would be nice but for some things I had to be… “creative”.

Tons of days and nights is what you can see there at least :see_no_evil:

I started my professional life with many years of such projects :wink:
Also made my hobbies become a profession in the end, best is to do something you like.
Just make sure not to burn out on the amount of stuff on your head, it’s getting quite big.

I’ve ideas nearly every minute when seeing what you already have, often not daring to speak them out knowing it’s more work than one can handle ;>

Some recent ideas now that I started:
Would be awesome to see a history of blackmarket sales (like last 48 hours or 7 days) in the marketplace, a history of prices (like average, min and max within last N days)
Also blackmarket should be more accessible, maybe with a structure you can build in your base that’s taxed (I dislike the long travel to HQ planet, 20km in nowhere)

Would be great to see playfield information right on top of the main website:
N players in Playfield X within last hour
N players in Playfield Y within last hour
Nothing exact, just a rough idea where you might find people.
Also on season start people chould choose a starter planet based on how many people there are.

Another great thing not for the players:
Are you able to change LCDs from the API ?
If that is possible automated, you could make killboards with live information.
Playfield stat LCDs for bases.
you could implement a simple RADAR inside ships by having the LCD registered for an automated update :wink:
you could implement donation based marketing billboards ‘join our faction’ official on planets.
However, that all stands and falls with the ability of changing LCD content text outside the game.

I better stop now :>


Some additional suggestions in regards to HWS connect.
Add to Dashboard/Player Activity Log

  • recycle fee (currently not shown just the coin is taken from EB) would be nice to see this
  • Name of player who claims bounty on another player if you set bounty.
    ie. I put bounty on RexXxuS and lirezh kills/claims bounty -> I get log of lirezh claiming my set bounty

In structure commander is it possible to put who spawned a vessel/structure?
ie. I spawn a prefabt1 and set it to faction then my faction mates can see in connect that I am the one who created it.

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