Supporter items bought on RE not RN

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
I just bought a number of supporter packages… on the wrong region, these were supposed to be NA RE but I built my cart over the space a few hours, ended up having to rebuilt the cart over and over as I clicked things researching the guide and doing activities in other tabs. In the end, my final rebuild of my cart, I built it with EU RE selected. The check out page just says “Server: RE | HWS”, as a reforged eden player, RE there seemed correct and didn’t raise any concern."

I also need to assign the included Supporter Packages that came with the playfield purchases.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Ingame Name: globeadue

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> ~24-03-04 19:14

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?

How can we help you now?
Could I have these remedied to NA server:

  • 24-03-04 21:28 FactionStanding - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 Recycle_Zone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 Keep100mSeason - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 NPCTrader - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 KeepBlueprintRes - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 KeepEBLevel - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 EBLevel5 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 Bank_Zone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 MarketZone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 KeepEGSLevel - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 EGSLevel5 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 AMLevel10 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 OCD_Zone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 OCDLevel5 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE

I also bought these, but I don’t think I’ll need support help with them.
The items I can gather and csw to NA, The playfields/stargates I work with Support to get placed and can address region issue then?

  • 24-03-04 19:14 OwnOrbit - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 OwnPlanet - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 19:14 RessourcePackage_Stargate - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:28 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
  • 24-03-04 21:27 RessourcePackage_Alien - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE

For the included “Supporter Packages” from the playfield purchases:
The Planet Playfield - please assign to “SumDrunkBum” on NA
The Space Playfield - please assign to player “Star Command” on NA

24-03-04 19:14 OwnOrbit - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE
24-03-04 19:14 OwnPlanet - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE

1 Like


Thanks a lot for your support.

It’s a technical condition, that RE means Reforged Eden Europe.
And RN means Reforged Eden North America.

You can find this out, if you select the correct server at the top or at the left sidebar…

Done. Uff…

Make a separate ticket for that plz.


I felt so bad when I realized I didn’t catch that.
My thanks for fixing it.

I’ve reviewed my account, seems to be missing the newly purchased max rep, but all the others checked out:

  • |24-03-04 21:28 FactionStanding - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|missing, had 1 already, should be count of 2 now.|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 KeepBlueprintRes - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 Recycle_Zone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 KeepEGSLevel - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 EGSLevel5 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 KeepEBLevel - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 EBLevel5 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 Bank_Zone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 OCD_Zone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 OCDLevel5 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 AMLevel10 - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 MarketZone - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 NPCTrader - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|
  • |24-03-04 19:14 Keep100mSeason - IGN: globeadue | Server: RE|Confirmed|


Ok, missed it I guess. Done now.

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