"Survey 4 Systems" mission issue

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> After completing the 4 survey missions (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon) and receiving the 4 separate reports, I placed them in my inventory and was expecting to see a new mission pop up, as stated in the tool-tip of the individual logs. I waited for 15-20mins and nothing happened. I’ve tried troubleshooting as best I can; I’ve double-checked to make sure the reports are in my character’s actual inventory, not connected toolbar. I’ve tried moving the reports out of my inventory and back in, I’ve tried re-logging with the reports in to see if that would fix it, but nothing has worked so far.

Screenshot of the 4 separate reports in my character inventory:

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Leptonyx

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE NA

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> MON 03JUL2023 14:02

On which Playfield?
=> Alpha, Beta, Delta and Epsilon Systems

Structure Name(s)?
=> N/A

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> N/A

How can we help you now?
=> Any help on getting the follow-on mission started for my character would be greatly appreciated!

Welcome to HWS @Leptonyx
Hmm, that’s strange.
The PDA should activate automatically if you have all 4 Tokens:

And yes, normaly those PDA bugs are resolved after a relog… hmm

I tried again today to see if some time might have fixed the issue, but still no dice :frowning:

One thing I did notice was that the Beta Survey mission description differs from the other three slightly; any chance that might indicate a bug/failed trigger?

Screenshots of how the other three look (relevant part circled in red):

Screenshot of the Beta Survey mission description:

Is there any way to manually trigger the mission start for my character?

have u tried deactivating and reactivating the mission yet?

Several times, unfortunately. I tired deactivating with and without the Data Pads in my inventory to see if that changed anything but still no luck.

Not really.

Can you put all 4 in your inventory again and ping me here?
I’ll check them and try to replace them. Just in case.

@RexXxuS Just put them in my character’s inventory again; I’ll leave them there until I hear from you.

Thank you so much for your help with this; I really appreciate it!

Hey @Leptonyx
I replaced them now but they are really the identical ones.
Last try maybe: put three of them in your inventory and one in a container.
Then logout.
Then login and pick up the fourth one.

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