======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
What happened: a while ago I got stuck in Energy Plant Space (glitched mission). I built a sv to do quick exploration of the planet, found nothing so I explored space. while i was in space the timer for the instance ended and I couldn’t re-enter the planet. (the timer was not visible while i had left the planet).
Because I couldn’t get back to the Energy Plant planet, and staff was dealing with a lot of other issues (my ticket wasnt answered), i just used the game command “cb:gohome”. That worked like a charm to get me out of that jam, and I was glad i set my home early on.
However; the SV i built has remained in Energy Plant space, and I have not been receiving the daily 5 Rp (or whatever it is) for not having structures in PVP. (for some reason the Energy Plant space counts as PVP).
Further, my SV has not auto deleted after the allotted 9 days, probably due to being stuck in a broken poi instance.
As it is now, it has remained in Energy Plant space for 14 days, and I have not received the RP bonus for that time, even though I have not left any structures in PVP.
Player(s) with issue: Jeeves
Server: NA
Time (cb:time):
Playfield: Energy Plant Space
Structure Name(s): Small Vessel
Structure ID(s): 22317943
How can we help you now:
please delete the SV for me, would recovering the RP be an option?