SV will not function

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> ship landed inverted on a planet. now it will not function. engine comes on but it will
not take off. engine power gauge does not function, it does not show any power but you can hear and see the engines burning. It will not move, forward, left right etc. I’ve seen this before but logging off and back on seems to correct it. but not this time. Ship is intact, statistics show all axis functional. (oddly enough this happened after the CV lost a generator coming
out of warp at the planet. Is this a bug or part of the program? The previous problem I had
I was thrown into a neighboring derelict ship, but not this time.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> RedDaggar

Server? (EU or NA)
=> EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 11:30 or so.

On which Playfield?
=> Ramulle system, planet epsilon 163 I.

Structure Name(s)?
=> 404173 an SV dart.

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 404173

How can we help you now?
=> get the ship to function.

I turned it around. Hopefully this fixes it.

It was still upside down a minute ago when I unloaded the cargo, it may have been overloaded. I loaded it in space, but once it got down to the planet it was overloaded. Anyway it seems to be ok.

Question, when the generators overload, is it a program glitch or not? I have now lost 2 generators after coming out of warp, once at the destination sun and now at the destination planet.

This is a game feature.
Spells generators are hungry after warp and activating them again.
Make sure to have enough generators

I started packing them on the CV on the other server. But not yet on this one. Problem is putting them in a container that is not affected when the generator blows up. This explosion took out a lot of equipment in the rear of the CV. I know separating components with armor is important in PVP but now also in PVE. I used the SV on board to strip out the CV and made it to a planet and am constructing another base, I’ll set up a teleporter from here. Its only one system from my base. Again ty for your assistance guys…

If a generator blows up it means you don’t have enough generators installed.
Install more generators.

If your power usage ever goes to max (into the red) then you need to install more. They take damage when redlined and will explode.
No redlining, no damage, and no boom boom. lol

I had more than enough in all cases, no redlining even when charging up the shields. Twice the
power when shields were charging, apparently this is not enough. Something to do with dropping out of warp, must be a power spike greater than when charging shields?

Yes, “recharging” the warp drive is extremely power hungry.
You don’t have enough generators for that and are likely redlining then.
Installing more will solve that.

Thanks Twitchy, next time when I shakedown a new ship I’lI watch the power generators when dropping out of warp; Is there a forum article on this subject?

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