Tax is broken, charging far too much

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> I had two ships left in ECC, one on planet and one in space. Both were extremely small; the CV was 135 blocks and the SV was 363 blocks. I was taxed 44 MILLION credits for the CV and 45 MILLION credits for the SV! These numbers are ludicrous for such tiny ships!

I logged out at the Origin Change Triolith due to a bug preventing me from changing origin (link to bug here Unable to change origin), and then left to go to my parent’s for Christmas eve. I just got back today to see this crazy amount of tax.

I expected to be taxed, but this amount was truly excessive! This was well over half my total cash carried over from last season, for just one day of two tiny ships! This needs to be fixed right away.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Saraiso

Server? (EU or NA)
=> NA

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 20-12-25 09:10

On which Playfield?
=> ECC Planet

Structure Name(s)?
=> Ol Reliable, Invader - Mini 2 v11

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 18592, 18357

How can we help you now?
=> Please fix the tax calculation so the amounts are reasonable compared to the size of ship, and refund me the difference.

It isn’t broken.
It’s because you have basically no RP.
RP has a large factor in taxes.
Less RP = More tax.

How is this system not broken? If a new player comes to Ecc and doesn’t leave in time, do you really expect them to come back to the server if they end up 45 million in debt? Because they will have about as much RP as I did… and that starter ship has more blocks than mine did. These numbers are way too high to be in any way reasonable.

If a player is truly “new” then they have a major tax forgiveness, as explained in the guide. See below.

" We have implemented a different Tax system for beginner, taking their playtime into account and sending them messages:

< 50 hours on HWS = no tax

* ```
50h - 99h = 50% tax reduction
>= 100h = 100% tax as everyone else

You have been around long enough now that you aren’t considered a “new” player and should already know these things I guess.

That, combined with the fact you have almost 0 RP, is what led to such high taxes.

50% tax reduction? So that new player only gets taxed 22 MILLION credits for their starter ship left overnight? That’s so generous!!! … wait…

I understand the logic there I guess, but the calculation still seems pretty messed up if it can generate 45 million in taxes for a single tiny ship, regardless of other factors.

I would also like to point out that the reason I had close to 0 RP was because I was trying to change origin (which removes all RP, and so I didn’t try to get any), which was actually bugged. Hope no other Prototype players fell into this sneaky trap over the holidays like I did.


I refunded the Tax due to that bug.
But as the others said, you are long enough on the server to know the Tax situation. The Tax is there that no one even thinks about parking in ECC because to many people still do it and the system suffers.
And as you for sure know we are very generous in “forgiving” tax if a bug or big mistake occurs, or a new player gets struck. But if the tax does not hurt, then its pointless and ECC will be constantly broken.

Either way, we are aware that such high tax without RP is insane and will change it in the future. But it needs time and forethought to get it right. Until then its the same as the last seasons and we cannot make exceptions now.

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Thanks Jascha!

I will be sure to be very careful not to park in ECC in the future.

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