Tax refund 12313

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

**What happened:**hi when the cpu thing was turn on my ships where in ecc orbit and got taxed 13 in NA

Faction / Private Your faction RP Your Bank credits Your Player credits Faction Members Structure Name Structure ID Blocks Devices Tax to pay (credits)
ACM 240 3 079 901 1 5 WIGHT NIGHT_11.0 29 609 311 347 48 3 955
ACM 240 275 000 1 064 479 5 WIGHT NIGHT_11.0 29 609 311 347 48 2 504
ACM 240 34 370 525 24 348 917 5 WIGHT NIGHT_11.0 29 609 311 347 48 50 321
ACM 240 10 343 701 0 5 WIGHT NIGHT_11.0 29 609 311 347 48 10 008
ACM 240 0 40 194 5 WIGHT NIGHT_11.0 29 609 311 347 48 1 421
Chief Recktless 19 10 343 701 0 0 SV_Prefab_Tier1 26 491 544 195 33 33 868
Chief Recktless 19 10 343 701 0 0 SV_Prefab_Tier1 29 442 264 195 33 33 868
ACM 240 3 079 901 1 5 RECKTLESS 4 29 442 263 10 687 359 322 286
ACM 240 275 000 1 064 479 5 RECKTLESS 4 29 442 263 10 687 359 320 836
ACM 240 34 370 525 24 348 917 5 RECKTLESS 4 29 442 263 10 687 359 368 652
ACM 240 10 343 701 0 5 RECKTLESS 4 29 442 263 10 687 359 328 339
ACM 240 0 40 194 5 RECKTLESS 4 29 442 263 10 687 359 319 753
Chief Recktless 19 10 343 701 0 0 RECKTLESS 1 29 442 261 2 513 211 2 790 753

Your total tax you will have to pay if you are still in ECC / ECC System / CSW tomorrow at 8:50AM is: 4 586 564 credits! (updates every hour)


**Player(s) with issue:**chief recktless


**Time (cb:time):**non


**Structure Name(s):**WIGHT NIGHT_11.0/ SV_Prefab_Tier1/ RECKTLESS 4/RECKTLESS 1

**Structure ID(s):**29 609 311/ 29 442 264/29 442 263/ 29 442 261

How can we help you now: can you refund my tax please i would really appreciate it. thanks you kind regards recktless


did you read that message?
It says " IF you are still in ECC… at 8:50" . So its not the ammount you actually paid.

you only got taxed for one ship for a few days, but thats a problem you have to solve by getting that sv away from ecc:

hi josh there are no cv or sv in ecc now on na but i dont get what you mean can you explan more

Please check your registry and enable seeing private ships. Or go to these coordinates:

You have since days a private SV on ECC. Only that one got taxed.

About the message you saw:

That does not mean you PAID that tax, but it means you WILL pay that tax IF you keep your structures there when tax is calculated at 8:50 am German time. So you never paid 4mil tax since you moved your ships away in time

The only tax you did pay was for that sv and you see the amount in the screenshot or in your player logs on HWS connect.

oh so i dont have to pay anthink of that 4 mright?

think of a parking meter but rather than prepaying the parking time, u will be charged if ur car is still there when the meter rat comes along to hand out tickets.

the HWS tax rat comes along once a day to take our monies for those who left their toys in a tax zones. thankfully we have ample warnings about this. the tax page on HWS will tell u exactly how much u will be charged for which structure if they are not moved on time. we also have several tools to locate our toys to prevent this as well. structure commander has the same info as the tax rat. the in game registry will let u waypoint ur ships for easy locating. just be sure to remember the private toggle. it is off by default for some strange reason…

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