The End of Nikola Tesla

People put out an bounty of 2mil for this guy, Thranir answeared the call :slight_smile:

sorry that the hull bug ruined the picture :confused:


Sanchous Star Destroyer… Didnt know, that he gives it to u… bnm - funny Topic :smiley:

[quote=“Thranir, post:1, topic:3725”]
Thranir answeared the call :slight_smile:
[/quote]I told them to hire you. Best hunter EU :slight_smile:

BTW @RexXxuS, This is that hull scraping bug. I can never get screenshots of it, cause it only happens in combat

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Oh no, more fuel for Thranirs ego :joy::wink:


Agreed , Thranir was the only one out of two servers to penetrate a RAT lava base, congratz !!!

@gareth never received the bounty from this kill :confused:

Necro much. :rofl: