The Fifth Universe's Resource type and where?

So, I have a simple question, where are the resource types for this new universe (5)?

What… do you mean? It is still the base resources in the game. no new ores.

Zas, Gold, Est, I am asking where these resources are located.

Try homeworld planets and look for meteorites.

Gabriel:Erestrum, Magnesium, Gold
Pluto: Iron, Cobalt,Copper,Silicon,Promethium,Magnesium
Osiris: Iron, Sathium, Promethiumm
Neptune: Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Silicon, Promethium, Magnesium
Odin: Iron, Magnesium
Comet7:Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Silicon, Promethium, Magnesium
Zeus: Cobat, Copper, Silicon, Promethium.
Uranus: Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Silicon, Promethium, Magnesium
Medusa: Neodymian, magnesium
Saturn: Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Silicon, Promethium, Magnesium
Lucifer: Zascosium, magnesium, gold
Ori: Cobalt, Copper, Silicon
Lua: Promethium, Iron

Don’t have a good picture of homeworld.

Don’t go to gabriel for eres, it’s rep locked. One of the planets in homeworld has it. No idea which one though.

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I know dark world has gold meteorites. Just have to get around zc, unless they were only parking there for a day.