The server created 3 copies of my stuff

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I logged in and found the server created 3 copies of my CV, SV, HV and Base. I left yesterday with only 1. The server is also counting down the warning I have too much on in the playfield.
Player(s) with issue: Uncle Freddy
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): 12:39AM
Playfield: Alliance Home
Structure Name(s): Acroplois, SV Prefab_Tier 2, (HV)-Drillhound, Reliant 1
Structure ID(s): 2434545,2434544,2434543,2626635,2628659,2628660,2629670,2434546… I don’t know which one’s are the originals
How can we help you now: Get rid of the duplicates so I don’t loose everything.

Very very weird…
I removed the duplicated ones. Somehow they were perfectly cloned in each other…

We will analyze it later

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