The story about the great scientist and creator of Rexxus

История про великого учёного и создателя Rexxus

Жил, был, великий учёный и создатель Rexxus, который славился своими изобретениями и умом.
Он считал что он бог и вся вселенная крутится только вокруг его личности, до очередного случая.
Увидел в телескоп красивую планету, которая находилась в пяти годах полёта на космическом корабле.
Проблема в том что корабль должен был быть 7 класса, что бы влезла провизия и оборудование для изучения планеты.
Прошел год подготовки и корабль с провизией и оборудованием готов к старту. Поехали в дальний путь.
За пять лет он пережил и болезни и поломки корабля, не однократно был на пороге уничтожения инопланетными пиратами,
но он великий и всё по колено. И вот в элюминаторе одна из самых красивых планет, ещё месяц и можно будет спуститься на поверхность, что бы по полной насладиться этой красотой.
Сообщение системы корабля- Вы не можите приблизиться к данной планете, по причине что ваш корабль 7 класса, требуется 5 класс.
Сглотнув сопли, великий учёный и создатель поварачивает обратно, что бы, на буксире притащить второй корабль 5 класса.
Прошло 10 лет, вторая попытка, на этот раз всё удачно, пятым классом за несколько рейсов оборудование было доставлено на орбиту, в базу которую пришлось строить вручную на протяжении года.
Спустившись на планету, великий мозг увидел руины когда то населявших жителей и решил изучить их.
Сообщение от руин- Вы не можите приблизиться, потому что тут много охранных турелей, которые при обычных ситуациях вы сможите уничтожить, но вы это не сможите сделать пока не сходите на в лес за дровами, потом в соседнюю галактику, а там не нажмёте рычаг отключения защиты турелей.
И вот великий учёный летит в соседнюю галактику в поисках этого рычага.
Через пять лет при подлёте сообщение системы- Вы не можите приблизиться к данной планете, потому что ваш корабль 5 класса, требуется не больше 1 класса.
Но это же великий учёный и ради достижения цели он пойдёт на всё. На шатле не долететь, значит отрезаем двигатели, выбрасываем дополнительные отсеки, оставляем самое необходимое. В итоге получилась однокомнатная квартира с топливом, кислородом и провизией только на обратную дорогу.
Вот дасада, на орбите напали пираты и сильно подбили эту квартирку, отстреливаться не чем было, что турели пришлось тоже отрезать.
И вот великий учёный падает на свонй коробке на поверхность, проклиная что вообще отправился на ту красивую планету, наблюдая внизу сотни тысяч подобных, разбитых кораблей.
И только того как система показала 700 градусов, отсутствие ресурсов на планете, отсутствие живого и кислорода, великий учёный краешком извилины понял, что он не что в этой вселенной и плевала она него с громким смехом его наивности.

Добро пожаловать на HWS))

The story about the great scientist and creator of Rexxus

There lived, was a great scientist and creator of Rexxus, who was famous for his inventions and intelligence.
He believed that he was a god and the whole universe revolves only around his personality, until the next case.
I saw through the telescope a beautiful planet that was five years old on a spacecraft.
The problem is that the ship was supposed to be 7th grade, so that the provisions and equipment for exploring the planet would fit.
A year of preparation has passed and the ship with provisions and equipment is ready for launch. Let’s go on a long journey.
For five years he survived both the sickness and the ship’s breakdowns, was not once on the verge of destruction by alien pirates,
but he is great and everything is knee-deep. And here in the eluminator one of the most beautiful planets, another month and it will be possible to descend to the surface, in order to fully enjoy this beauty.
The message of the ship system is that you cannot come close to this planet, due to the fact that your ship is class 7, class 5 is required.
Having swallowed snot, the great scientist and creator swings back, in tow, to drag the second class 5 ship.
10 years passed, the second attempt, this time all is well, the fifth class for several flights the equipment was delivered into orbit, which had to be built manually during the year.
Going down to the planet, the great brain saw the ruins once inhabited the inhabitants and decided to explore them.
Message from the ruins - you can’t get close, because there are a lot of security turrets that you can destroy in normal situations, but you cannot do it until you go to the forest for firewood, then to the next galaxy, and there you don’t press the disconnect lever turret protection.
And here the great scientist flies to the next galaxy in search of this lever.
After five years, when a message arrives at the system, you cannot approach this planet, because your ship is of the 5th class, no more than 1 class is required.
But this is a great scientist, and in order to achieve the goal, he will do anything. On the shuttle, not to fly, so we cut off the engines, throw out additional compartments, leave the most necessary. The result was a one-room apartment with fuel, oxygen and provisions only on the way back.
Here is a dasada, pirates attacked in orbit and hit the apartment badly, there was nothing to shoot back, so that the turrets also had to be cut off.
And here the great scientist falls on his box to the surface, cursing that he even went to that beautiful planet, observing below hundreds of thousands of similar, broken ships.
And only when the system showed 700 degrees, the lack of resources on the planet, the absence of living and oxygen, the great scientist realized that it was not in this universe that she spat with a loud laugh of his naivety.

Welcome to HWS))

Эта история для что бы показать ситуацию с требованиями сервера, либо запретите все корабли кроме первого класса, либо откройте ворота для всех классов, не смешите. Можите проще сделать запретить всю технику кроме мотоциклов с варп двигателями

This story is to show the situation with the requirements of the server, either ban all ships except the first class, or open the gate for all classes, do not make me laugh. It can be easier to ban all vehicles except motorcycles with warp engines.

Nice story, all i can ask is fo yoy want to play playable game or do you want to curse all the time about the lag and server issues?

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Good story bro :wink: and yes, thing can be frustrating at times. But as lord says, it is much for the performance.

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Прошу прощения, на комментарии не отвечу. Скажу только то, что уже говорил 5 месяцев назад, вкусы у всех разные, но когда вкус одного, который критикуются большей массой людей, означает что вкус этого человека не опытен и не мудр и служит только в личных интересах, в данной ситуации по ограничениям класса, он даже не служит в личных интересах или интересах сервера, очередная глупость создателя который не играет на сервере или не хочет видеть очевидных своих ошибок. Космос один и допуск класса по крайней мере в космосе должен быть равный или вообще запрет на любой транспорт, нет мотоцикла, будем пешком бегать между систем. Мудрости и опыту всем

I apologize, I will not answer the comments. Let me just say what I said 5 months ago, everyone has different tastes, but when the taste of one, which is criticized by the majority of people, means that the taste of this person is not experienced and not wise and serves only in personal interests, in this situation according to class restrictions , he does not even serve in the personal interests or interests of the server, another nonsense of a creator who does not play on the server or does not want to see his obvious mistakes. Space is one and the class tolerance at least in space should be equal or even a ban on any transport, there is no motorcycle, we will run on foot between the systems. Wisdom and experience to all

nomad has longest crying streak in RU Empyrion community, i’ve no idea why RED took him

Do not confuse crying with truth in the eyes, if you do not distinguish the difference, do not stand up in front of others

I want to see monster trucks drive down the road on a daily basis, and as in both the real world and on HWS, there are rules for a reason.

Or motorcycles that are warp capable, with guns.

Actualy I think there is very good point in this story which made me laught. I think its completely true.
But its also kind of unfair to Rexxx.

Biggest problem here is that there is no solution for this, no convenient and working solution. Clearly it would be nice to have just max class 7 (actualy it would be much nicer to have lets say class 20 max. to see some behemots out there) but during the history of HWS we ALREADY TRIED THIS, more times, its not working.

If class is just 7 max everyone goes for class 7 in PvP from obvious reasons. Why not? There is nothing like advantage for smaller classes, there is not even so simple thing like smaller class will have higher speed or agility. What you need is as many blocks for armor as possible and that’s it. Some might say but larger ship is heavier so it will be slower. No it wont. In case that you will get into trouble with thrust, just slap in Alien Core and problem solved, you can add as much of thrust as you need and in the end you will be even more agile than smaller classes. I hope its clear what im trying to say.
If not than Ill say it even more clearly. In my opinion Eleon are probably one of worst game desiners when it comes to creating of interesting mechanics. Whats currently here is absolutely terrible, theres no sense in engeniering of ships.

Another thing is Alien Core I mentioned. It removes that tiny piece of necessary engineering, without it you at least have to balance fuel consumption, no. of fuel tanks and no. of thrusters. But at the end its quite marginal so why not to take that tiny piece away. Just such thought.

Now as I understand that server is not for free and theres not much to offer to buy while not being acussed of direct P2W so while I don’t like whole Alien core thing I understand it and I could live with it. And for bases its superconvinient.

Last thing, “Unfair to Rexxx” and this is quite importand.
Generaly this guy is trying to hold together this for 4 years completely broken and very badly designed product and allow ppl to play it in MP as that’s only way how to not get bored to death. SP is currently insane, I would reather stay in corner watching wall for whole day than play SP.
Choices Rexxx is making are hard beyond your imagination. Do you remember how much we cried for smaller classes as large ones game simply cannot handle? So after some seasons Rexxx changed it, I think somewhere around 6th seasson. What happened ppl left and it was quite empty season although one of best with 200 towers on GG and my RED friends I miss so much. People left because they wasn’t able to fly their huge ships around, quite misunderstanding at their side. I didn’t like some of changes Rexxx put in, but ALWAYS I understood reasons behind these changes, belive me if he could he would do it different way, but Eleon is pretty much forcing these changes with their incapability of creating something working.

So yes, funny story indeed, very nicely reflecting state of things, but at same time you should be fair to guy whos spending his life trying to fix incompetence of developers.

And for Rexxx…my opinion is that you should not try to fix Eleon’s stuff that much, its their game, their problems, let players experience their creation fully. If it will kill the game well in my opinion its well deserved.

Haha I see I can still have some passion inside when it comes to Empyrion, Eleon and HWS, I have to get rid of that :smiley:
Anyway have fun and fly safe if that’s still possible.

Well to be a bit fair to Eleon from my side, new weight system kind of adding this engineering aspect at least for ships loaded with heavy stuff but tedium when this system is on is insane.


While a lot of players think more thrusters on a larger ship will make them faster it still depends on the amount of blocks you slap on for armor. For instance I do PvP on GG with a SV that is only 32 blocks. That’s it. With this SV and it’s thrusters it is extremely agile and very difficult to hit, which is actually very resilient against other SVs that are pushing the 1.3+ class size. That said it is highly not suggested to try this with a CV for obvious reasons.

that is just simple coding for the Developers