Some complained that we have basically EU times on the NA server.
However the timezone shift stuff is the reason is that we (Jascha and me) can take of both restart times while we are awake.
Now we have the awesome help of @hopskotch so it is maaaybe not that important anymore. At least to “sleep” in one restart time. (at least one time needs to be in our timezone though - the wipe one).
So let’s give me your vote. Instead of throwing this big number clock times list again just write in the comments what you prefer.
#Best if you recalculate your wish with our cb:time clock and use SERVER TIME.
You can also just say what we decided before - 8AM and 8PM and I will do the math (UTC-5).
I mean, my vote isn’t really time related. “Don’t fix what ain’t broke”
If it works ‘as is’ for you guys, leave it be. If times need to shift between admins handling different windows, do whatever fits best in YOUR schedules.
Downtime is typically negligible anyway and you’ll never find that perfect time that fits everybody, and with only a couple guys keeping things running, it’s not unreasonable people should be on board with working around your schedules.
I’m on GMT +8 lol, I will still play. In terms of server restart time, I’d adhere to whatever the decision is. It is made more for administrative purposes so whichever is easier for the team to access, I am for it