Невидимка преследующий меня)

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

Простите комрады, но это второй раз за день (20мин назад я увеличил ОЗУ до 20Гб) ради этой игры)))) И опять, пересечение гораницы между CSW и ECC корабль завис, вышел - корабль пропал, перезагрузился - корабль появился, но войти не могу. Начинает бесить!




27-11 19:42:54 NA




Don’t want anything, I will try to solve the problem the first time, today. Please pay attention to this, moderators!

The problem is solved with the detach command, thanks Bob. ( ~ ) detach, released-went, flew. It would be funny if it didn’t take so long. Bob, thank you!

The problem is not solved, dancing with a tambourine is not an option)

Five minutes later, when entering the atmosphere of ECC NA, the same bug, the ship hovered with me. Include dances with a tambourine))) Like)

Ship cave miner (premium) can the problem in it?

Otherwise, I would have laughed))

I’ve given up, give me back my ship when you’re not busy)! ECC NA 5492/1070/-700

I found my ship, it was on the planet ECC NA. Thanks for the help.

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