Trade offer from HST

Citizens of HWS universe,

In order to facilitate trade and establish trade network Hiigara Ship Traders faction is offering to establish trade outposts throughout the solar system. For Free!! The Outposts would be public and contain a single cargo box for item exchange. At the moment three outpost types have been designed based on their elemental habitat-planet type:



Please contact me or Grakator via this forum or in-game if you want to have such outpost established in your planet :slight_smile:

Wow, very nice :slight_smile:

Hmm… for now the Elemental Marketplace will only allow trading ships and items x)
But theoretically we could also provide base trades. Like Real estate Agents :slight_smile:

I feel like these outposts could easily be abused, no one can monitor who’s taking what. It has merit though.