Trader Faction Planet (Jupiter)

I 've got a question. For my Faction is the home planet Jupite. It is a hostile environment , and there are not many to mine.

Why should I build here?

The Faction Planet Jupiter is not interest for traders.

It´s only the Story maybe we can say the Nova System is the Home place for Traders?

What do other Trader think ?

It’s more about location than resources, it is close to starter planets, elemental market, and other areas. Rich in pentax and somewhat low traffic.

But i agree, it’s still very exposed to raiding

Thanks for the feedback.

Will be addressed in HWS 3.0 :slight_smile:

Yeah, there are better places for Traders to be I would think than a PvP world. Like Elemental Market xD

Again, nobody wants to build on a PVP planet, especially with a bunch of strangers :laughing:

Can we finally address the fact that everyone wants a PVE base, and to simply hunt and have space itself as PVP?

One thing to keep in mind:
faction planet will be never PvE.

  1. people can change their faction - porblem
  2. every faction planet has an advantage and other faction are allowed to pick something from them - if they can
  3. It is kind of “conquer” feeling and “alliance” to protect those nasty people trying to steal your special faction planet resource / stuff

A Faction Planet should be for each Faction something special . Other faction should not be allowed to build on them.

the trader planet must have something special so there is an incentive. I want to play pvp but it 's not worth for me . it cost me only money.

so might pirates and lawless visit the trader planets sometimes. the alliance can defend them.

i mean the trader faction planet must be a rich (not the richest) planet with air and water on it. so trader will settle there.

we are a trading faction and we have built on home planet and its been great we do not have a pve base nor do we wish too. we would not like to see a home planet to be a pve there would be not point in playing game if there was no pvp, i feel if u wish to play pve then u should look for a server that is most pve,and stop trying to make this one most pve, they have done a vary nice job on this server, for both pvp and pve
i for one vary much jupiter

No, they don’t.

No, they don’t.[/quote]

Alright fine, “majority” want a PVE base, you silly twat :laughing:

As traders we can keep that planet, we will always get around, but it would be great to make it PVE… We can get around for the resources like everyone else.
But the limit of one CV on the planet (if it get PVE) should be removed… There ain`t many of us, and if someone want to join in, i think we all will accept that.
Maybe make a base limit or something?


Here is an idea.

Make faction planets PVE, and give faction changes a cooldown of maybe 2 weeks, and then when the factions have been up for say, a month, and everyone is established, make it so you need a majority “Yes” vote to join that faction.

The voting thing might be retarded, but the idea of “Faction PVE planets” and “Cooldown of 2 weeks to swap” is good, at least.

Sorry guys,

we can’t control the game mechanic to make factions or disallow to make one. It would be a “guideline” or “rule” and we don’t want these dramas in advance.
So faction planets stay PvP for now. Please make sure to see everything from an outer view. Look which good conditions Trader have with supply, ocd cooldowns and protection.

The faction planets in general are more a planet to conquer and control it because we have such poor tools of faction / allys / chat system. Making them PvE would welcome everyone and you can’t get them away anymore.

And also don’t forget all other PvE playfields. Traders can be really save if they want… I will address such things in the 3.0 universe too though.

[quote=“RexXxuS”]Sorry guys,

we can’t control the game mechanic to make factions or disallow to make one. It would be a “guideline” or “rule” and we don’t want these dramas in advance.
So faction planets stay PvP for now. Please make sure to see everything from an outer view. Look which good conditions Trader have with supply, ocd cooldowns and protection.

The faction planets in general are more a planet to conquer and control it because we have such poor tools of faction / allys / chat system. Making them PvE would welcome everyone and you can’t get them away anymore.

And also don’t forget all other PvE playfields. Traders can be really save if they want… I will address such things in the 3.0 universe too though.[/quote]

Mate, PVP in this game sucks though. Why so much focus on it?

People log out to avoid combat if they’re losing or just straight up don’t want to fight
CV’s are useless, but we need them to travel from sector to sector, so they’re expensive and expendable, which is shit.
We have users right now (suspected) of using multiple accounts, in different factions to abuse the offline protection.
Not even mentioning the obvious cheats and hacks going on.

There is literally no reason traders and merchants (the people most at risk of being attacked for profit) will suddenly want to build on a PVP planet. They have nothing to gain from it, especially as PVP sucks ass, and SV’s are overpowered.

For real, an SV could take down any defence they have. And no, offline protection will not help, because then you’re suggesting that if you’re under attack you should just log off.

For real my man, I like the server, and I like the admin stuff, but this focus on PVP when PVP is shit is a bad decision.

To be honest: I am no fan of PvP and no fan of PvE either in Server Admin role. I am a fan of 90% PvP and 10% PvE in Player role.

Server Admin role:
PvP → drama all over the place. Why here, why there. Bugs here, bugs there. We are bend to the game and what it gives us. Sure we enhance the server like crazy and seriously if I count jascha and mine hours we spent to HWS we come over 1200 hours for server stuff - each of us alone!
PvE → one playfield full?! → next one. This playfield full?! → next one. I know I repeat myself but PvE is a nice idea but for the game software and server hardware it is h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e. It is like you can have a picture in JPG format or RAW format. either 100kb big or 2GB big: but it is the SAME picture! That is PvE.

Player role:
If I want build → minecraft. If I want chill → chess. So I want PvP here and there. I know how it felt as a gamer last year: you don’t have a savegame, you need to win or I am screwed. Is my ship well build? etc… it was just cool. So 90% pvp.
10% PvE: but I have a job and other stuff to do in real life so at least a backup place for my stuff to build up again is needed. But you see? What is for me 10% is for the server 10, 20, 30,… 99% because there are a lot people like this.

It is just a death spiral going down no matter what you do in the current state. But hey, we give our best for you and always listen to your feedback.

I know you and J do your best, Rexx. We’re lucky to have admins as dedicated as you guys.

And everything you said is valid, and I agree. But I just think that as a server direction it might be a better idea to have a slightly better balance between PVP and PVE, as the PVP is so very laggy right now. I only say this because the game appears to be built around PVE, considering nearly all updates that come out are PVE focused, and we’ve not had anything to balance PVP or make CV’s viable, so I doubt its a priority.

I disagree with Duke here, there is a pretty significant portion of the playerbase that wants more PvP and has made it pretty clear that the server is taking a more carebear stance. That said, I wouldn’t make everything PvP because right now the game just isn’t developed enough so that PvP is really functional atm. I would be in support of more PvP stuff as the game gets better at supporting a more balanced PvP environment. However, right now it’s just bad, unless someone can show me some good PvP fights that didn’t involve bases or SVs.

Legit point, if the PVP ever became actually “fun” then I’d be far more in favour of it. But it sucks right now, so people will always opt to build in PVE instead.

I’m pretty new to HWS although after 50hours of play I can tell you I’m a little disappointed that Z is the only option I have as a PVE planet.

I’d like to request a breathable Akua type planet to call home.

I read the story when I first got here and was planning on heading to jupitor, but I have zero interest in going there with no OP.


[quote=“Statler”]I’m pretty new to HWS although after 50hours of play I can tell you I’m a little disappointed that Z is the only option I have as a PVE planet.

I’d like to request a breathable Akua type planet to call home.

I read the story when I first got here and was planning on heading to jupitor, but I have zero interest in going there with no OP.


Planet called “Fortune” in the Nova system.