Two day (or maybe 7) wipe timer for ECC


One thing came to my mind. I hope the wipe timer doesnt affect the garage ships or the player ships on sale?!

Do they need to be touched too? Or are they taken out of the despawn timer?

i vote for 7 day wipe aside from ships for sale and remove tax entirely. on planet, in space, & in CSW. HWS cleaning crew makes HQ all nice and shiny every week :-p

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That’s all fine and well…but if there is no tax because of it and therefore no debt, what is to stop someone from just spawning in another 1 or 20 ships right after the “cleaning” and leaving those ships there for another week?

I think its best to remove taxes as you say but make it a daily wipe like black hole.

Solved. This could be a daily wipe instead. They could do this with current tax system as well but they would get taxed daily. Now their ships will get wiped daily if they try this.

So, our master has implemented it :smile:
I’ve heard 7 is the best number in the universe, right? :slight_smile:

We can give it a try… will just do some checks / tests before.


I’ve heard its 42, but 7 is nice too :grin:

But 1 is best.

Not playing it.





7 hours?.. wow nice! xD Time for taxes to go bye bye and for HEM to grow :slight_smile:

i guess Jon won’t be living in the market this season :-p