Unable to access my capital ship or supplies

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
while my brother an I were reconfiguring our alliance, we assumed that when disbanding the ship would go back in to our possession it did not, the ship now is unaccessable due to it being a part of the faction (though the faction should now be empty as it no longer shows on the list). as an effect all of my supplies as well as my ship are unaccessable. please help me

Players: quizziuq(brother), Caretaker1993 (me) JAM (ROOMATE)(NEW ALLIANCE LEADER)

Server: HWS NA [PvPvE]Custom universe\story\hard

=> 1500-1700EST

=> Freelancer-HQ

=> red and white ship names :asteroid Gobbler

=> I am hoping to regain access to the ship and our resources so we can move them to my roomates alliance Who was also in =Q=


I guess that is the same ticket as before right?
thanks for filling out the template (just leave the Property names :wink:

Should be solved then I guess?

I am not seeing the ship under the structure commander nor on the map itself. thanks for the fast response the new alliance is 101 The HAVEN :smiley:

Can’t find any ship with that name.
Only “The Gobbler”. I set the ship to you private. Something is wrong with your faction… not sure.

I would advise you to create a new faction. Something is very buggy with it.

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