Underwater turret allowed?

Sorry I forgot if this was fixed or not.

Underwater specifically was supposed to be fine. But we just saw one last week with a single turret under the water that could hit us but we couldn’t hit it until we put the nose of a cv under the water. So Id avoid it for now atleast.

What I saw till now it is fixed: if the turret somehow looking above the ground / water it shoots but can also be killed.

If the turret is under the terrain / water it doesn’t shoot you if you are above.
So if you want have fun in a dive session prepare yourself.

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Rexxus take a look at that 5 hr video I sent you a link to in the bug message thread. This was last week, and shows us fighting that underwater turret that took out 4 of our tanks instantly. Since the core was near the bottom of the tank, when we went over the lake, it insta cored several, and kept shooting into the air at our cv’s later.

Do you have the link for the video quick? Thanks.

Starting at about 3 minutes in

3:35 was a base. Couldn’t find the exact underwater part. Keep in mind that the render glitch can happen too. If you have coordiantes of real bases currently let me know.

The base is gone, in the video it shows us sticking a cv nose under the water to kill the turret.

Look at 8:25

I see.

  1. please make it to your habit to always play with the console command “di” so I have the coordinates
  2. it is the same far distance glitch as underground turrets. This is a different task we have to tackle sadly

I have tried, but since it keeps removing after each playfield change, I generally forget (maybe room for a useful and easy improvement by devs?). So was the turret not actually under the water? or was it a matter of the turret firing because it did not know it was under water.

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