Using cb:destroy or egs:recycle during battle

We are around. :slight_smile:

Dunno why thats applicable, but it made me laugh, so why not.

In terms of the original poster here though, I have been trying to find a place where it is written in forum, but I was under the impression that the cb:destroy command was meant to be only for faction owners, as a last resort in order to destroy horrible bugged out ships, and that misusing it would be frowned upon. Might have misinterpreted though, or the intended purpose shifted over time. Hard to tell without concrete quotes.

HA! found it, finally. Dont know why I didnt find it sooner, my bad.



I knew CB:destroy was not meant as a remove the loot hide our BP burn the battlefield command.

That being said. EGS I can handle due to cost and requirements however the max level should be a little higher but CB:destroy should be disabled or have a once a day use for faction owner or some sort of timer on it.

@Jascha can you fix this?

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Yup, or just enforce misuse penalties
But ya, if its a bugged ship situation, I cant think of many instances of needing it more than once per day

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I like the idea of a timer for these and some other commands, so I would love it if that was possible… that way you get the best of all worlds: people can still use the command legitimately as many times as they want or need if they wait an hour or whatever (anything sooner than that they can multitool), but with a long enough countdown it’s pretty hard / impossible to abuse.

Might not be possible (or liked by everyone else) though :[

Before enforcement of misuse penalties comes into play one would hope that such misuse would be clearly defined. It seems much is being assumed in this area as to what was and was not intended. The only clear prohibition I read in the original announcement is “Only your structures”.

Fenix if you continue to sweep floor with Colin and Matt so hard it will become dirty xD

Sweep the floor with Colin and Matt? Are we 12 years old. I stopped replying because I’m trying to be less toxic @RexXxuS close the topic or allow this to go on… ? I mean I tell somebody to stop crying and its “toxic” so please intervene with this toxisisity thank you.

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This is what I reference as the original intent. Not as a failsafe self destruct for pvp purposes.

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You’re the one with all the toxicity. Constantly having to blame people because of your insecurities.

The fact is we were pleased our plan worked. We weren’t all like ‘WOOO WE OWNED COLIN in chat.’

You have to come up with even more ridiculous excuses every time. It’s getting hilarious.

You be like:

You’re the source of the toxicity. And you ask Rexxus who is a busy guy to close down a thread that you and your zombie-like followers have made toxic after Fenix starts setting you and your mates straight.

If you have nothing nice or intelligent to say; then say nothing at all.

Wisdom from a Wiseman!

Here we go Wiseman… cropped as per your request :wink:

When even Wiseman is fuming you know you did bad.

Anyways if we wanna talk more about it let’s make a thread? Maybe Colin or Matt could start one with an apology… :wink:

There we go, thanks Fenix. That was the ‘evidence’ that Colin was on about i’m guessing?

Cheers again!

(Vid was cropped as some bits were too violent/spoilery.)

You boys are truly pathetic, I have nothing more to say to you. Read this post, it’s 90% you guys all pounding the reply button. Stop responding now thank you.

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Again the drift to the void in this topic…

Regarding the initial question:
for now we didn’t see any exploit and a lot liking the current system.

With the activation time there are also some problems connected. Same for EGS Stealth. So we would like to leave it as it is for now.

Like someone said: in real life there is also a self destruction timer available. So why not.

Try to focus on the initial question guys next time.