Vessel blocked by leaving the Fraktion

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> I am Freelancer ? WHY can i not choose another Fraktion? Vessel ist blocked.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> CaSi

Server? (EU or NA or RE)

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> I build a Fraktion and I wonder why i am a Freelancer. I build a vessel and then I tested to build another Fraction by leaving the Freelancer Fraction. It was not possible and now the Vessel ist blocked. Now an Admin is necessary to correct.

On which Playfield?

Structure Name(s)?
=> I cn not Nem this by ID but I can say its a SX-15

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?

How can we help you now?
=> Pleas destroy the old Ship

Forgot to say I play currently the Reforged Server

I don’t really understand this request but… done.

I wanted to play Federation in this Game but I am Freelancer??? Thats what I see with F1 and Factions. I build a ne Faction and it stays on Freelancer, Have No Idea wahy and I would know if thi is nessary for the Game

It’s not necessary for Reforged Eden.
Origins are a HWS thing I merged over.

It all depends what you prefer.
You can change your Origin either by restarting completely (cb:restart command) or fly to ECC and do it on the Triolith POI.

good to know thank You

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