Veterans willing to sell their BPs

ok so to summarize, here’s what I got through this thread

1- Pictures posted of really cool ships that I can’t have
2- People bragging about how good their secret ships are
3- an offer for 1000 EU to buy the BPs
4- one ship by mcprouty that looks half as cool as all those ships you guys posted pics off (still thank you Mcprouty :slight_smile: )

thanks everyone! I guess off to creative and let the building begin

I’ll sell you a ship i made for class one pvp.

This is the ship. I’m using this ship in pvp as we speak. Its more mobile then my other class one sv.

The color you see there yellow etc is what i use to tell whats left side, right side, front side, and back side of the ship when i’m building. Its a way-point for me when i build. The other sides have different colors. I remove that after i finish the ship but i just left it there for now. The going up thruster power could be better but i’m running on limits here sense i barely made level 1. You can change it if you want by removing a gas tank and putting in another s jet engine. Side thrusters can use improvement to. But again limits. I’ll sell it to you for 7 million credits. For me in the way i learn is by observation. I would encourage you that if you buy this ship look at the insides in what is the hit-points of the structures. like generators, rcs, fuel tanks, jet engines. And how those manual weapons are positioned. Note those guns their not close to each-other and their not directly in-front center of the ship. About the credits its negotiable price may change depending.

Here is a video of the performance run on this ship. Remember that if you get this ship you can color it how ever you want.

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If this thread is anything like Star Citizen, I got some for 200.00 US Dollars

Colin taught me alot about CV’s … if hes willing to teach good on him.


I just put the Iron Maiden up on the workshop, two versions of it called the Canadian Iron Maiden and the IronMaiden USA, one of the toughest CV that HWS has seen

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oh a pvp ship with no guns, nice!