Well I know that the alien core ships have quite a long run time even with no fuel in them, adding fusion seems to increase it a bit, but as far as I can tell even after using them for hours the union cells don’t get used up🤔
Correct. Good idea but alien/admin core means no fuel use. One fusion cell will run that for months/ever.
Maybe something more severe like they can use it but you unlock the harvest box. Makes sure they bring it back if they want their loot too.
I also have an Idea I’d like to possibly partner with Hops or someone on. I have genius ideas but math is hard and no nose for business. I’ll talk to Hops. The only reason for the post is to support the Idea and show interest. I don’t want to give surprises away.
Confirmed. Pretty good ideas in there.
Hops,ding ding ding we have a winner, give this man his prize lol, that actually sounds like a great freakin plan dang now I’m jealous I didn’t come up with the idea hahaha bringing it back so I can unlock the loot hahah damn genius I tell you what!!!
Give this man a shiney medal and chocolate biscuit. Brilliant idea bud now I just need a good idea to make it through today’s shift haha
Hops your in the wrong business haha scrap merchant but you be more suited in a business advice centre lol
Hahaha. Thanks Vorty!! Who says it isn’t what I do in my real life
For my friends it’s free
For my enemies it’s wrong.
LOL thanks Dabber!! I take gold ore or ingots!
Chocolate biscuit haha, in real life I throw cabers and drink whiskey while playing the bagpipes lmao fuel the Scottish stereotype haha