Weapon efficiency on zirax sniper

Most of the NPC have attributes like head, body, or alien. Thus enabling them to be vulnerable against weapon that effective on those parts. Except Zirax Sniper. Dude, is a bullet sponge. No handheld weapon is effective against it. Making them more as an annoyance than a challenge. is this intentional? or they just have double, triple base health than other zirax troop?

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That was my “mistake”, got it.
HWS is more challenging than SP / other servers, so I boosted the hitpoints of NPC enemies almost everywhere.
But that was at the time before the “level system” got implemented.

For the next restart I changed it.


{ Entity Name: ZiraxMinigun, Ref: AlienTemplateBAI
  MaxHealth: 1200
{ Entity Name: ZiraxLaser, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 1500
{ Entity Name: ZiraxShotgun, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 2000
{ Entity Name: ZiraxRocket, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 1300
{ Entity Name: ZiraxSniper, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 10000


{ Entity Name: ZiraxMinigun, Ref: AlienTemplateBAI
  MaxHealth: 1000
{ Entity Name: ZiraxLaser, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 1400
{ Entity Name: ZiraxShotgun, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 1200
{ Entity Name: ZiraxRocket, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 1600
{ Entity Name: ZiraxSniper, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
  MaxHealth: 1600

The Zirax Sniper end boss will be history :wink:
These values are just doubled from the vanilla setup and a first part of an overall adjustment of the HWS Config.

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whoa that was a quick response. Thank you Rex!


Where to find a lot of zirax snipers? Need to kill 125 of them…

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