Write your ideas for HWS 7.0

I agree, having 1 starter planet per origin is a waste, when we are not allowed to use it for gathering resources, much less allowed to return to it.

Black market and vender prices ought to reflect the average player market price of things. So if players are selling autominer cores for 10k but the vender is selling them for 20k, the vender dropes their price to 10k, or whatever the average price per unit is.

At the start of V6 it got very laggy on the starters due to the amount of people starting at the same time.

Maybe dynamically adjust for number of new starters? As in start V7 with 1 planet per origin then week 2 go down to 3, week 3 go down to 1?

Personally, I liked the way it was in HWS V4 - PvE starter planet and a PvP starter planet if I remember correctly.

Hm… dropping players on random number planets can works like a load balancer (almost) after full wipe. But for this starter planets should be the same type. And a lot of player couldn’t start together this way. They would hate it.

More functionality for freelancer bar.

RexXxus can u create interesting statistics after closing the season? For example who was the richest, who killed the most players, who had the most RP, which faction was the biggest, etc…

Yes, I will post a big data crawl here again

Thanks, it’s a good season closing show. :slight_smile:

Ok I will post my ideas:

  1. In my opininion all origins should have the same class restrictions regarding BA/SV/CV/HV.
  2. It shouldn’t be possible to change origin and still have all stuff, ships, lvl and so on.
  3. POI with origin restrictions?
  4. Why do we even have csw? It opens so many possibilities to avoid many restrictions without losing anything. People should know where they want to play. Maybe we should limit this to one day in month? Another idea is to create some event that may occure twice per month - once on NA and once on EU. It could be a battle between EU and NA and here we have a big field for ideas to avoid timezone differences and player number differences. It may occur for example every second Saturday and only on that day CSW could be possible.
  5. PVE planets like Athos and the other one should have indestructable terrain. People which starts 1 month after full wipe should have the same possibility to put autominers as people who start right after full wipe.
  6. It would be awesome if we could see origin name for all structures of each player or for example it could be colored so we could know who do we attack before attack happens.
  7. Currently it doesn’t matter if someone will die 1000 times or kill 1000 players. Maybe we could somehow reward people with good K/D ratio? Keep in mind that players don’t lose much because of OCD

in the game a repair module is very much needed, which will restore the ship to its original state. At this moment, only damaged blocks can be repaired, missing blocks can not be restored. You must remove or disassemble the battered ship. But first you must pull out of it all items, resources, ammunition, fuel, oxygen. Then you need to build a new ship and equip it with ammunition, fuel, oxygen, pentoxide, resources. That’s why many players avoid the battle on their beautiful ships - it is are imposible to restore manually to the original state.
that’s why I built a ship with a simple geometry, named SpongeBob
Lot of pvp players knows it)) It’s very deadly and very easy to repair. I did it not because I like him, but because I had to make a simple and easily repaired ship. If the ingame repair could restore the whole ship, I would make different a beautiful real spaceship and I would be very pleased to fly on it.
Although, perhaps this proposal is likely to developers


This requires BP to somehow be stored in the core. Is that even possible using server mods? Sounds like a job for Eleon.

This core info could be updated when the structure is saved as a BP, but NOT after blocks are destroyed in combat, so each core remembers its “true form”.

Or if storing BP data on the core is not possible, and Jascha is feeling even more superhuman, some kind of new command …
egs : blueprint : STRUCTURE_ID
so players can store the “true form” of their structures on-server to be used for repairs.

That true form could then replace the original instantly using a command. It should cost loads of credits, to prevent abuse cheaply regenerating huge ships back from nothing.

I see it going something like this …

(1) Work out how to save BP in the core on spawn, and update that info after ALT+O saving the structure.
(2) To repair, player types a command … egs : repair : STRUCTURE_ID
(3) This starts a function that compares the structure to its true form. It calculates the cost to replace all damaged / missing blocks
(4) I can supply a spreadsheet of all device and block costs :smile:
(5) Server Message …
“Warning : Structure will be replaced. Undock all ships, and remove all fuel and cargo before repairing”
“Cost to repair BoatyMcBoatFace : 1,256,750 credits are you sure? Type cb:yes or cb:no”
(6) cb:yes
(7) Server deletes the structure and respawns its true form in the exact same location.
(8) If it’s possible to do this including the current contents of boxes, fuel etc, that would be even more awesome …
(9) egs : repair could be upgraded to make it happen faster / cheaper / in PVP / etc

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Dude. You described this process perfectly. As if these functions have already been implemented. Maybe I should already try the function
egs:repair:STRUCTURE_ID ? :grinning:

I am a javascript coder. I broke down the process into plaintext dry code ))

But 1,256,750 credits too much, i think :see_no_evil:

egs : insurance : STRUCTURE_ID

This would cost credits in advance to “buy insurance”. The command stores the structure’s current form as a BP on-server, which can be used later for a free respawn or repair

Who do you think I AM?
Consider it done :wink:


Sounds fun!

Will give me more ambition to blow a rhea outta the sky and slap a core on it!

A small extra bonus for players who left the starter planet without death.

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Perhaps it could become possible to have a kill board for your pvp players? Where by you can post your structure command notices which have you killing or attacking people?

Additionally, lets allow CV’s onto planets, it is tiring to land SV’s, only to deploy an HV and either abandon it in a hurry (if running from someone), or deconstruct them all the time. Further, the CV provides the player with a base from which to operating out of, a base that the attacking player must first disable or destroy to ensure that they prey are trapped on the planet.

WoW I like this idea so much!

I will add few more ideas:
8. CSW should cost RP like 10-20 per one CSW - that way people won’t gather RPs in cheaty way
9. There should be an additional flag implemented per account per server regarding finishing missions. Server shouldn’t allow to repeat missions after cb:reset if they were done already on that account for current server - currently people are repeating those missions to get credits, cores, epic/rare containers. It should be blocked the same way as fa:supply which is blocked once per week no matter how many times you will reset account