XMAS IS HERE! Freelance Santa is out - The SFA XMAS Spirit - NA Server

As the season it must be with magic and the 5.0 is coming soon so many people is waiting for it…

The SFA freelancer Santa is out since today to share surprises and the season magic.

Flying Out with surprises #SFA

Coming soon more info…NA server stay tuned.

Brought To You By SFA >>> UMC - The Guardians Wants You! ★ MORE STRONGERS THAN EVER★- ✔ PVE/PVP Squads - NA Server


Visit Earth and Mars. Those players need it the most :wink: . I like the initiative.

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@TinyDewDrop your correct!
First stop Earth! - NA Server!

7 containers with T2 Drills, guns, all ingots, gold ore, T3 Auto minners, fuel, Drill charges and many more…
1 Combat SV on public ready to be ride!! Go and get it!

#SFA Surprise Container password for today at >>> UMC - The Guardians Wants You! ★ MORE STRONGERS THAN EVER★- ✔ PVE/PVP Squads - NA Server

Stay tuned!.. Hope you are having an awesome season…
The SFA.


All Xmas codes for our tree on Earth.

1011 - 1021 - 1032 - 1045 - 1016 - 1018 - 106