Abuse of PvP game mechanics

I’m just waiting for RexXuS to say the same thing about this that he always has, and that would be: “Gameplay wise you invest a lot of resources to build a big ship so it’s a trade off in war.”

This can be cited here: Attempt to sponge/shield with oversize CV in GG

This whole idea of making CV’s weak against bases? Hell no. I remember a time when @420Inc_Space_Ranger would put bases in Pandora Space, and then we would have to take 3/4 CV’s to take it out… oh wait, that was last season!

Lowering the ability of a CV once again, is a horrible idea.

What’s next? Remove ABN’s planet because nobody will contest it?

Also, do the entire server a favor… Quit with the forum PvP. Play the game, log some hours, and have fun. PS: It’s just a game… try and remember that sometimes.