Abuse of PvP game mechanics

  1. This should be in the Get Support Section.
  2. There’s no need to have the faction tag in the title.
  3. The suggestion of ‘banning ABN’ is silly. The only time there has been a group punishment was for all RED players on a single playfield who were allowing one of their mates to repeatedly tackle CVS, and that was only after we lost like 5 cvs to tackling…

Best regards,

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Not considered abuse, as you would say, point out the rule. I never did it to gin my shields, I did it because you where chasing me with 4 class 5 CVs and a few Svs just to get the kill, so I took the satisfactin away - I escaped and you didn’t get the kill. This was before we knew there was a shield glitch anyway. However, I have seen you orbit hop, I have seen all of FV (well the FV players that have been around for awhile) orbit hop, etc. Quit the bickering about orbit hopping until you have someone who doesn’t orbit hop.

As I’ve said multiple times, you are purposefully blowing this out of the water. I suggested you be banned from PvP for the rest of the season, this is the FOURTH tme you have acted out without punishment. It’s time for you to learn good, bad, and that bad comes with a punishment.

Again you’re just using this to derail the topic, I said it was only my suggestion, not Rex’s, so it doesn’t really matter because it was just my opinion. You’re using it to claim the whole post is ridiculous - which is ridiculous, my bet is you can’t argue against the post so you’re latching onto this one detail as if it’s everything because it’s one of very few you can fight.

More about atmo hopping, one of the two things you’re fighting, it isn’t abuse and I’m tired of you using it as an excuse, I don’t have a shield genrator left half the time I atmo hop, no shields = no abuse.

I’m no complete victim :smiley: but much more of a victim than ABN in here, as you usually have blown my shield hgen off before I atmo hop - it doesn’t really matter. You see me use it to escape you, then land on planet place a warp drive and go straight to warp in space from my SV.

^^ There’s that too, as I mentioned earlier, atmo hopping isn’t an exploit. I don’t even think atmo hopping with shields is an exploit.

Not much of a point when your entire point is I did something wrong, but I did nothing wrong, unless I’m missing something here.

I think I just hit 4! Just kidding lol, but I do have to complain a lot. I have to complain because YOU’RE faction continues to abuse PvP limits, from privating bases so they get deleted thanks to HWS system to flying a class 5 on a 150 block CV max size limit planet.

As I have said, I have NOT abused the limits except for the one mention in MY post, BUT if you don’t agree you need to quit complaining about how I abuse game mechanics when you survive off of abusing game mechanics. How did I do this, do you have proof? Report me for all I care, but quit making crap up and expecting it to sound reasonable, you didn’t even say what I did, for all we know it was me spawning an armor stand in EGS :eyes: oops, oh wait that was last season. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, that’s probably a combination of
1: You have no proof
2: You didn’t even mention what you claim I did
3: You’re faction’s abusing the limits, so reporting me for them would ruin your entire faction’s chances to abuse them.

As I have said about a dozen times now, I am not permanently banning you from PvP, you imply it will last longer than the remainder of the season.

I’m HOPING that by doing something this drastic you will come to realize right is right, wrng is wrong, and bad gets punished. Right now, I can’t even really plame you, if police never pulled a single person over for speeding, how many people would be speeding rigt now? A dangerously high amount, there will always be one person who follows the laws, but if Rex doesn’t dish out some punishment, this kind of behavior will continue.

Well, as we’ve said, I don’t have a shield generator most of the time, but even if I did, go through the rules and tell me where it’s against the rules, an exploit? Well, considering you remove those shields with multiple class 5 CVs in under 1 second of fighting, they don’t really do me any good, hence where it isn’t much of an exploit (or I’m just doing a bad job doing it)
But seriously, when YOU aren’t abusing it then report me for it, you proved my point on this one. Since ABN member (except paul-voller) Ihave seeb in PvP has used this abuse, I’m tired of you claiming it is, you use it! If it’s abuse, okay punish me, that’s completely fair and I understand, but literally every ABN member except Paul should be punished too, which is a ludicrous amount of people, then all of FV and most other PvP factions. It’s pointless to pursue.

A: not against the rules ( 8.3 Bases: Bases may be constructed using the ‘N connect — Attach to Base’ feature. For example – turrets, core, solar panels may be built or placed using ‘N connect’. Separated sections of a base (a base is everything that is attached to the same base core block) may be built using ‘N connect’. Turrets may be placed on bare ground. (Note: you may not overlap or clip blocks or devices from multiple — that is two or more bases).)
B: good, but I didn’t design the base, nor did I place the chicken wire.

C: 8.4 Vessels (CV, SV, HV): Floating turrets, devices, blocks, or any combinations thereof are not permitted. All devices and blocks of a vessel must be attached one to the other.
Well, it doesn’t apply to that. “CV SV HV” thisis a base… not a vessel, which is probably why you refuse to paste the rule in, it’s obvious you’re trying to use it in a way Rex didn’t intend it for. Even if this had included bases it wouldn’t matter though, the chicken wire is supporting itself, it hs chicken wire uner it all the way to the ground or base.

WHAT!? Would you min posting that, because I wouldn’t consider anything I’ve said to you in DMs an apology at all :smiley:and I don’t appreciate you thinking you can get away with this just because I was offline, it’s obviously not against the rules.

(I can’t grab a screenshot so this will have to do for now.)
The damn chicken wire on those bases caught me and Spacedude, lol! We thought were were going to be clever and fly under the base (and try to figure out why it looked like it was floating) and got caught like flies in a spider’s web. That was awesome!

[OH] ᴡɪʟʟᴇᴀᴛsᴘɪᴇ10/05/2019
gf man
sorry about the floating, I didn’t mean to place it that way

you too, thanks for the action! We were going to try to sneak around and see what was up a bit more, but you ran into me in space!
and no, it’s no problem. It was smart because we couldn’t see the fence until waaaay up close.

Nowhere in there did I

Again, I don’t appreciate you thinking you can get away with things because I’m offline, misquoting me and calling what YOU have done abuse is sickening, and I’m tired of it, it’s pretty much the entirety of this thread now.

A: there’s a reason it will get closed
B: There’s no reason to move to DM’s unless you’re hiding it from the public because you did something wrong or because you can’t back of your claim, but Rex can disprove it, as shown above I’m sure if it stood up at all you would post it, so you’re trying to hide it so that you can’t get in trouble for posting it publicly.

Thanks! Wasn’t me, but the original designer has been told :slight_smile:

Meh, honestly you’re probably right here, most of them aren’t bringing class 5 CVs down, you can see there’s only one C5 in that video. They all support it though, I’m not saying any ABN member can stop another from abusing the limits, but there are ways to stop it, from publicly telling us they’re bringing one (which hels us prepare) to working with their leaders to get it stopped, if Oz was to right now say it wasn’t allowed, it wouldn’t happen, so many of their player’s are pvping and just laugh at how we will have to defend against it instead of doing something to stop it. In my mind that makes it just as bad as them dong it.

Thanks! Exactly what I’m trying to say.

Although you implied it, your faction member Aphetto came out and said it, so maybe it was just aimed at the wrong person.

Except for the ABN tag, fixed! You’re right, my bad, thanks!



I actually think it’s legal. As long as they don’t let their CV get taken. If it gets taken then it’s a rule breach.
But better let Rex answer this.

This may be the case, I don’t know. However, going to be frank here and say it. That’s dumb. IF class 5 bases are allowed, I can see how they allow the timer as long as it isn’t taken. BUT we can’t defend a class 1 base against a class 5 for the 6 minutes they have before their kicked from atmosphere.

After speaking with a few other people, if we where allowed class 5 bases again we could - at least temporarily - fight back against this, because we can’t allow class 5 CVs but not allow class 5 bases and expect the bases to win.

I would also like to propose CVs do slightly reduced damage to base turrets and armored concrete, slightly below what it used to be. I know we have the option to build orbital bases, so we shouldn’t say they can’t do damage or they can only take out a turret after minutes of continual fire against it. How often do we see orbital bases or complexes though? Twice last season, one was a legitimate attempt to defend HomeWorld planet, the other was a group of CVs placed around the SV only supergate to catch anyone warping in.

I like that we have the ability, I won’t be placing any because currently (they aren’t as fun) they don’t have much use, CVs can take them down easily, especially these massive class 7 CVs.



I’m just waiting for RexXuS to say the same thing about this that he always has, and that would be: “Gameplay wise you invest a lot of resources to build a big ship so it’s a trade off in war.”

This can be cited here: Attempt to sponge/shield with oversize CV in GG

This whole idea of making CV’s weak against bases? Hell no. I remember a time when @420Inc_Space_Ranger would put bases in Pandora Space, and then we would have to take 3/4 CV’s to take it out… oh wait, that was last season!

Lowering the ability of a CV once again, is a horrible idea.

What’s next? Remove ABN’s planet because nobody will contest it?

Also, do the entire server a favor… Quit with the forum PvP. Play the game, log some hours, and have fun. PS: It’s just a game… try and remember that sometimes.


Pandora is a planet, you can pretty easily take out as many bases as you want with CVs. As shown by the three Hercules and eleven Titans brought against our 6 bases and 4 players on Titan planet last season. They fell like they hadn’t existed. That was buffed this season, don’t think it needs to be buffed, quite sure it needs to be nerfed.

Never said u broke a rule… I did mention the floating fence made of triangle’s… could use solid block shapes but nothing against it in the rules unless we start having lag Generated from it… again, not against rules n so this whole topic Is over rule breaking but I don’t see which rule?? As for changing configuration/limits that’s a WHOLE OTHER TOPIC… Abuse in pvp is tough To call when it states the gloves are off in pvp. Must be a legitimate rule breaking. I haven’t even joined in on pvp na side. Not worth it… I’ll go fight the Russians on Eu.

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Will, that’s a whole other topic. Please stop trying to derail this thread :slight_smile:

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That’s funny, because you brought up Pandora. This thread was made to discuss / report class 5s attacking bases, and it fits well within the parameters of the OP. I happen to know him well. :slight_smile:

OK so i was confused about this class 5 and GG and all…
i dono about rules and shit, but if GG is limited to class 1. Decent, self respectable fighters would go there in nothing more than class 1…
that’s about all i’m gonna say…

PS: i was gonna work on dynamic event queueing and shit like that, but i need Rex guidance a bit… alas he’s too busy with … this?

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Lol very busy :stuck_out_tongue: as for respectable, tht fight was clearly over way before the scary class 5 came to gg n stood frozen for a duration of the time… BR event!? If only na would have players join… :confused:

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It is a downright clear violation of the rules. That screen on Golden Globe limits below clearly states that only a 150 block class 1 cv is allowed. And the intention behind that is for cv’s not to be used at all as a sponge when attacking bases. This is clearly stated by Rexx. And what makes it even worse is that they used a huge godmode-garage ship with turrets that can even fire on the bases and strip it of its defenses. So not only can this class 5 garage ship be used as a sponge but can also strip your guns off at the same time.

So i think the clear answer here is for the people who did it to be temporarily banned and for cv’s not to be allowed on Golden Globe at all. Not even 150 block cv’s because they will just abuse it. This way any cv on the planet will be instantly warped out so there is practically no way of abusing it any longer. Thats the best fix i see.


That class 5 was the turning point of the battle everyone! -_-“

(Assuming that comment is sarcastic)
It doesn’t matter, this was an ethics violation. If you used it then, then you will obviously continue to use it, the goal of this is to find a way to stop you from abusing it. Assuming it wasn’t the turning point it will be in the future, but that isn’t the point. The point is you abused the limits and Rex’s trust in the player base to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS a lesson you should have learned in kindergarten. (Although I didn’t learn it until second grade.)

If it makes you feel better, this was easily the turning point. We had lost maaaybe three turrets off all the bases combined, we lost all the turrets off two HVs but that’s because I chased FV all the way back into their base. (Which was fun) When I got back, we had almost all the turrets (as I said missing no more than three) and shields where completely full. The CV descended and without help from the HVs or SVs on the ground (I think an SV was fighting Cyan but everyone else was recharging shields and watching, I had been pushed out pretty far with my HV and had SV and HV support defending me, so the bases hadn’t been hit but enemy HV SV shields where low or down.

CV came in, got all three bases shields to 0, almost completely defanged the side bases, and shot a few turrets off the main base. We focused fire with HVs and SVs, but even after it’s shields where down it could tank pretty easily. (The class 5 CV part coming into effect here)

Ultimately, with the five defenders we had we could have easily outlasted the seven attackers. We even had another defender from OH coming and multiple allies on their way, we would have outnumbered ABN / FV, possibly moving on from our bases to assualt and take down their bases. The CV ruined our chances of winning the engagement, ultimately costing us the battle. Personally, I think it was pretty obvious we where going to hold there if there where no more attackers or defenders, with more defenders coming, we where likely to push ABN off GG.



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these discussions are endless guys, there is potential for abuse due to time it takes to detect class size and kick it out… instead of bickering everytime someone abuses this mechanic, maybe lock these PvP sensitive playfields behind supergates… I think it’s possible to disable jumping on altogether with wrong size if we do that?
then again, a little patience and the cpu tier thing may solve this problem as well by limiting the tier by playfield…

u guys r making it very hard for me not to wipe all ur OCDs… (PS: THIS IS A JOKE!!! sad that I need to mention that!!!)


haha thank you! I work hard on OHs bases and though it might be effective to have tiny blocks as dragon teeth… I guess people are calling it chicken wire now

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That is incorrect. If you go back to alpha 2.0/3.0 era almost the entire XTE faction was temp or perma banned depending on there level of toxicity and if you look up XTE in search you will more than likely find that old post and some of the things they did that literally boiled Rexxus and Jascha over. Then in alpha 4.0 era there was the mass temporary ban of all 5AP members (almost 60 people) when it was confirmed that an illegal bp was being passed around. Most of the faction didn’t realize it and in the end only 2 members give or take were perma banned. I’m sure if I had time to backlog around 3-4 years of police reports we’d find a few more cases of mass bans temp and/or permanent. Should they all be banned over this incident, not sure. That is for someone higher up to decide. Not us.

Ozi if i’m not mistaken the cv in question is a garage cv fitted with hv turrets so wouldn’t it be like several tanks had just rolled up and fired?

Thoughts on solutions.

I’m not sure how painful the coding would be. So I will just suggest it and if it would be a coding nightmare many apologies. Its possible to kick/bounce all cvs from even entering a planet (imho anything around cruiser or below should be atmo capable, but i’d be happy with just a transport cv to bring hvs in on which is what I think the 150 limit on gg is supposed to be) then would it be possible to make it to where ships of unwanted/undesireable limits be bounced away from a planet? And since its possible for ships/hvs to up class size because of damage since this adds more triangles then when that happens give them a short timer to gtfo or take more damage to lower there count?

I also agree if the timer is the best way at this time that class 2 or 3 bases be considered. The argument of them creating lag is pretty much imho null and void if people can bring in oversized class vessels even if its for a period of time.


Hey Crazy cheers for the reply. Thanks for the knowledge! I didn’t realise there were other cases! Thanks for the clarification! Totally with you on the punishment thing as well, that’s the decision of the admins alone.

Also Will thanks for the reply as well, thanks for changing it.

Best regards