Abuse of PvP game mechanics

I appreciate the advice, but this doesn’t help the current topic, it’s you trying to distract everyone from the original topic.

Same here.

Guys, this isn’t here as a discussion or as a plot against you, it’s all facts. HOWEVER, since it’s here, why don’t we discuss? What do you guys think is a good solution?

I appreciate the suggestions! I did suggest a shorter warning time wouldn’t work because a class 5 garage ship can still devastate a base in 30 second, BUT I appreciate you contributing and I’m glad for another suggestion. Maybe we can reduce it below 30 seconds? Have a 10 second timer?

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Speaking of facts… What Rule did ABN break?


Will you actually suggested banning our entire faction over Not Breaking The Rules. You need to stop this.


Nobody listening to me :confused: class 3 ba n short timer with a bounce out to cv’s instead of hws. Just like when Eton isn’t accessible… and the abn part :rofl::eggplant:


Two things here, no I didn’t! I suggested to ban you “from PvP for the rest of the season” more of a kick than a ban, I proposed it because you where abusing, and I said you could join another faction. You where breaking the rules, thats why the class system is there, and the “you need to stop this” was just to annoy me, please stop, it doesn’t help anything.

This is a great idea ranger! Problem solved.


Which rule, Will?


No, I am saying you need to stop because your just getting yourself more riled up. Your off the deep end right now, and it’s not a good place to talk to people from.

We are a PVP faction. Your saying if you had your way our faction would either be banned from the only thing we do on the server or dissolve.

To Summarize:

You lost legit PVP in a manner completely within the rules according to old rulings, and your answer was to take to the forums and get the victors faction either banned or dissolved.

You have to be able to look at that objectively and see how crazy it is right? You lost PVP so ban the winners


I like it! Good plan!

You need to reread my post friend!

You did not specify a rule, Will.


If ABN get banned from PvP, I’m sure theres another faction they can join :slight_smile:


Hey guyz, I’m postin on the forum! :smiley:


You are going to over salt your popcorn here bro


I personally support Space Rangers idea. Class 3 bases are a good compromise between defense and lag. Bouncing CVs is a wonderful idea, and works perfectly to prevent the atmo-hopping abuse of the kick timer. I like it :slight_smile:


The timer does not reset by bouncing in and out… Class 3 bases for the win! I will just agree to anything…


I don’t think you read the post. Yes you technically won the fight. But basically you brought a gun to a knife fight. You used cheeky tactics to take a base that you couldn’t defeat if you played with honor… but since this is like your third time saying the same thing. I am not sure I can act as a catalyst to your thought process. Best of luck friend


Were you there for the fight? I am guessing not since you think a CV had anything to do with the destruction of those bases… Tanks melt bases now just a FYI…


Don’t shoot the messenger, to busy with classes to enjoy the drama in game! Just dealing with the information I am given and read

I see this post is getting out of hand…lol

  1. No banning of an entire faction for the illegal activities of an individual or a few individuals. Unless of course that’s everyone in the faction.

  2. If CVs are the problem on GG, then lock them out of GG entirely. If that can’t be done, then have an instant timer that will destroy the CV as soon as it enters the atmosphere. No jail time, or temporary confiscation, just wipe it from the game.

No need to change sizes on bases or any of that which would cause lag increase.

If ABN is going to abuse and exploit the system, then change the system to no longer allow that type of abuse. Aka, no more CVs on GG.