Abuse of PvP game mechanics

The timer doesn’t reset? I definitely saw that Murcillago leave atmo and come back at least once during that fight, but maybe it was for some other reason. That’s good to know though. Maybe bouncing the ship to a different system isn’t needed in that case.

Still support class 3 bases tho!

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That is an awesome idea you got there, it would be a ashamed if the HWS Gods turned a blind eye… again… :coffee::frog:

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It is amazing that Will wants to talk about abuse of game mechanics when I have personally watched him (on several occasions) abuse the atmo-hopping bug that lets you gain shields back just by going from planet to space and back over and over. I’ve chased him (along with other faction members) several times and watched him do this over and over for 15-20 minutes straight. It has gotten to the point that we don’t even chase Will if he is anywhere near a planet because we know we’re just going to waste half an hour of our time. Have we once made a post about this abuse? No. Have we demanded that his entire faction be banned for this abuse? Of course not. This is pretty sad.


Lol most of your faction and your allies atmo hop. Almost everyone in pvp does it.

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And for the record, I like the idea of no CVs at all on GG and other PVP planets. It has worked fine on Homeworld in other seasons.


I’ve never seen anyone other than Will do it for literally 20 minutes straight just because he was being attacked.

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Hey man, don’t interrupt the forum PvP!

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I remember chasing one of those Russians guys for like 15 mins. EVERYone does it. I for sure chased wowie a few times last season and he did it as well. Even went through the poles and all that

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So, Will abuses game mechanics and then accuses others of abusing game mechanics and wants their whole faction banned… Got it!


Right. So let’s ban everyone and all of the factions for abusing game mechanics! (I know you aren’t personally lobbying for the bans. I’m just making a point of the ridiculousness of Will’s demand.)


I would be alright with a shorter of timer…


You’re the one accusing Will of exploiting atmohopping when everyone in pvp, including your faction and allies do it. No one else is talking about atmohopping…

We are talking about “abuse” per the creator of this thread… Hypocritical is all…


He’s pointing out that yes atmo hopping is annoying, so is taking a CV down on planet. Will is playing the victim when he’s also playing off the broken mechanics of the game


The difference is that atmohopping is not an exploit or mistake of the game. On the otherhand, when RexXxus clearly states his intentions that CVs are not to be used on planets, that becomes an exploit to abuse the timer and still use CVs.

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CV’s can be disabled from entering planet. There is a timer… You have X amount of minutes to have a Class 2+ CV down on planet…


My point is we DIDN’T complain, even though he always does it. Much like we don’t when people overclass in planets/systems against us. You may not think it happens, but it is because we don’t say anything when it does. The only reason I brought it up is because Will is here complaining about ABN 3 times each week. And it isn’t just atmo-hopping. There has been other times he has abused game mechanics. One in particular that you were a part of. Not one peep from us in a public forum though. Is the discussion about changing things to prevent/lessen the overclass issue worthwhile? Absolutely. However, Will trying to get ABN banned from pvp is ludicrous.


You honestly think that even though, for example, SVs are on a 60 second cooldown timer before they will recharge shields, jumping into atmo and hopping back down to IMMEDIATELY gain some of the shields back is not an exploit or mistake in the game?


Floating fences anyone?? :wink:


“One in particular that I was a part of”

Feel free to elaborate because I have never intentionally or knowingly tried to exploit to my advantage.