Hello community,
After the newest announcment i’ve seen (understandably) some discussion and turmoil, mostly within factions involved in the fighting for armagedon (or soon heading for it, but just waiting for it to stabilize).
I’ve found it could be usefull to bring it here, so admins could sit at the discussion table with the community.
My point of view, that i think is shared by some other people around is as follow:
While i understand RexXxus first objective with Armaggedon was to create a planet for SV fighting, i believe we are past this point…
Armeggedon became a beacon of hope not only for people wishing for SV fight, but for ground warfare in general. Fighting with tanks is fun too, and actually takes skill now that there’s no CV to take them down!
I’ve been one of the first to talk about limiting HV/SV cores on arma, and even though FDM is in the lead when it comes to the number of cores on Arma, i’m still 200% for the idea of limiting it.
Sadly i have the feeling that the new incomming limits are not adequate to the actual state of armageddon.
First lets start with the SVs - we’re fighting with SVs, lots of them, but 100 limit is overkill. Even a big faction could easly make it with 20.
100 SVs will just allow for wrongly minded faction to spam core in order to reblock the planet, jsut as when U-P was dropping HV “cubes” (cores with a few blocks) from orbit over ours and PKA’s bases. We do not need such a limit.
FDM is actually having 8 SVs, with 2 that got shot down during todays fighting.
Second that would require more discussion are the HVs. We’ll all agree the actual lag and server load is not the way. Limiting should be done, but then, as i said - most people regard Armageddon as a ground fighting planet, not an SV-only one, and 7 is to restrictive in my opinion.
We’re not talking about passive defense SVs, as the limit is aimed directly at them, but it will make bigger factions unable to get a tank for each of its member. It will also make atacker unable to actually have a HV reserve, instaed having to just spawn them on the go, losing momentum on the potential attack.
Another thing is that if there’s suposed to be war, there should be stakes for it (i’ll write another suggestion about it a bit later) - and one of the biggest possible bounties are bases. Bases that are by no mean able to be taken by SV alone, and from experience i know that alot of tanks can be lost in the fight for a base (hi NOD!).
Those many reasons are why i’m petinioning, and i hopefuly will get support to limit HVs to 15 and SVs to 20 per faction, i belive it is the best balance for the sake of having good fights on Armaggeddon. While i understand the fact HVs turrets can increase the load, would the server be ok with those limitation for HV (getting down to 12 if not - thats the minimum i think should be for good ground warfare)?
As for the private limits - won’t it get hit by the same bug the CVs are?
As long i have a CV even for a few seconds i get multiple warning, amking so that even 2 CVs make me reach the cap, with each next CV beeing taken over very fast. Same thing with HVs/CV would be quite annoying.
As for the suggestion for the stakes - if there were more gold asteorid spawns during PvP, it would raise the odds and the will to fight for them?