Back to the roots with Block limitation | PvP improvement

Man we already create some ships, which WASNT like Cubes. Its hard, but possible. U know why u didnt see tons of “pretty” ships? Bc its HARD to repair them after even small fight. So 50% didnt build them bc they run for “MORE ARMOR!!!1111”, and other 50% just tooooooooooooooo lazy to repair such ships after fight.

Shields/generators wouldnt change this much(Better say - they wouldnt change anything). Bc u need place for them, and u still need armor, when their “hp” goes down. Its still would be Cubes, but with shields. Sorry man, but that the real “face” of this game. Win-game mode produce cubes, and it would produce them with or without shields.

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If lets pretend, that a block gives 25 HP and a shield gives 3000 HP and you can only have 4 generators on a SV… and all let over power from your generators goes to recharging your SV shields… that would lead to creative designs.

Also there will almost always be a ‘min max’ design that wont be pretty. I am already thinking of a block matrix that will use air gaps to add false armor to reduce splash damage effects on my designs. Odds are it will still look like some form of block. Just a checkerboard board block instead. With wings everywhere since wings have 500+ hp and the max cockpits.

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Yes, shield generators would be great. I can’t wait to see if they every get implemented.

For now, still lots of people who haven’t said what they think the block counts on each pvp hotspot playfield should be. Don’t forget to provide that crucial feedback :slight_smile:

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Oh… Few ways:

  1. So u wonna play with cheats/bugs? U know, dat shields would need a lot of resources, and ofc 25th+++ lvl. So BEFORE this, u need to use bugs/cheats for farming POI, or didnt farm/raid them at all. U think someone would go on such terms? :smiley: Ofc no. Block would STILL got their hp. Maximum they reduce 20-25% of their health, but it still would create unkillable cubes in the end.
  2. Everything would cost low, but u still could create 20k blocks SV. If right now SV on 4-5k blocks unkillable in 1 vs 1 fights for hour or more, than by your variant, they just need create 15-20k block SV, and even with nerf in 4 times, they would still be UNKILLABLE. Why? Bc they got SHIELD, and just place 2-3 more layers instead of previous times, for compensation of dat nerf. Profit.

There could be even 3rd and 4th variant. Your way of thinking, is too narrow. Had u play 3rd or 4th version of this game?

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WTF are talking about? I am saying that if the game add’s this as a feature THAT would change things.

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Im talking about LIVE things, which we meet by playing game, not only in late-game time. U explore, u raid. And what u gonna do, while u didnt grind all dat rare resources for creating this “new” features?

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Your logic is faulty and makes no sense. Your argument is basically this: If you don’t build ships which i deem to look like ships your not using creativity. If you think we will conform to your narrow minded foolishness of what a ship should look like then you sir are very much mistaken.

Here’s some interesting looking workshop “Cube” Ships. I mean have you ever watched star trek and the borg? If you don’t like the ship designs then just don’t build them that way but don’t try to hamper the freedom and creativity of others because of your personal opinions on how ships should look like.

For example all these ships below are “Cubes” under 1500 blocks. Further they are workshop ships.

Borg Cube:

Magic Cube:

The Cube:

Yet my yellow dragon pvp ship and the tpp starburst, and the TAW sv are not cubes. This is what most of us use for pvp. So again, here, your logic is wrong.



My one Million hitpoint tank has 5K blocks, I think HVs should at least have 4K for attacking bases, but my 5K is considered “Light” and “Fast” .
My opinion 4-5K HV is good starting limit.

SVs. My SV is not even 3K its 2948 and it kicks much butt. (This excludes my anti base Sponge SVs which I hate)

My opinion I am good for a 3K SV limit. This would give HVs and 1-2K Advantage which will help verses bases and make them more of a tank. SVs will be faster and smaller yet still have 600K health to assault small bases.

At the very least thats the stuff I use regardless of the cap. and enjoy. (Unless its less, which if the cap is less then 3K the main HWS dmg config will NEED changeing)


Hiding behind hills is not always an option, and when it is it’s #1 cheesy #2 not usually practical if enemy players are present. Well positioned bases will have no such things preventing base turrets from firing on all enemy players within range. That brings us back to the primary question of, straight-on fighting, will svs/hvs have a chance?


I agree 100% with this. Heck a 10 block 4 Missles SV can hill hop and win… THough would have to be perfect haha

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I have taken bases with less.


A nice anecdote but against a half-decent faction you’ll get shredded, either due to good base-placement OR an active defence (or both!).

I stick by between 3-4k For Svs on the hottest playfields such as GG/HW/Arma, let’s not limit ourselves too heavily at once and potentially force a change in Meta.

Then let’s have other PVP playfields that could be much more strict on the block limit. These playfields would appeal to newer and smaller PVP factions as their bases would have more survivability against the smaller HVs/SVs that would be allowed to be fielded on those playfields.

Hence this is the beginning of my Two-tier solution; Like Sir-Knum said, we need to keep this relatively straight-forward, and not have five different sets of limits for playfields. Two different limits i’d say depending on the PVP playfield (‘Light PVP playfield’ [Such as maybe 1500 blocks or even 1000 blocks] or a ‘Heavy’ PVP playfield [Such as 3-4K of blocks for SVs.] )

Best regards

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I’ve seen Taco take bases with nothing but gatling guns on his SV.


3K block SVs can tank bases a bit. 3.5k block SV can last up to 90 seconds vs 3 bases and that is with sustained fire. It is safe to say a 3k block SV could at least do some damage if the pilot is careful.


Damn do I miss the days of no AG and a tunneling SV…


I want it back so much (and ballistic), I don’t understand why it has been removed, offline protection is enough.

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AG was put into place because of people using OP, so instead they started removing all the terrain under the bases, removing structural integrity. Remove one block or if its your base place 1 and the whole thing breaks apart.

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How? last time I touched the OP blue screen of a base i was insta killed.
I’ve seen players do this without OP, I understand antigrief on pve playfields but on pvp if being whithin range of OP kills you it’s useless.

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After the OP has been disabled when someone owning it logged in. So they go outside and place some blocks so it’s not a straight path to the bottom of the crust - broken base.

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Just in case that Rex missed it somehow hehe :wink: :

SV : 1000 blocks

HV: 1500 blocks

CV: 3000 blocks

BA: 5000 blocks

Garage ships have to be adjusted !!!

Double damage ? I vote YES !

Reason :

  • replace „more blocks win“ PVP by „more skill wins“ PVP
  • this would allow taking out CVs before these cowards can warp. Not always but with much higher propability compared to now
  • SV dogfights will have a winner before one of the two fighters falls asleep😛
  • the main strength of Empyrion will receive a meaning again : Creativity ! Players will try their very best to turn the block limit into new, and hopefully more beautiful, vessels

Death to all ugly size 1,49 bricks !!!:joy:

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