Calling out OP4 to Combat

Are these pics supposed to prove something? All I see is a ignoramus standing in a tunnel.

Oh and @RexXxus. Let me remind you you also have a duty to promote a "fun and positive " experience for HWS and HWS forums. This entire post is nothing but negativity and I personally would feel more at ease and less hostile if this post and any future posts was removed and prevented

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UMC is still butthurt?

Your bases were deleted because your core was buried in the bedrock that could not be touched.
Your faction had already abandoned the battlefield so the deletion of your base was admin choice
not Op4’s we wanted to finish looting them.

Then there were those underground turrets clip firing through terrain. The video I posted clearly
showed the fire was not coming from the ditch but rather from underground. The quality was shit
as I don’t care to upgrade discord to post at better quality. A clearer copy is available to
Admins that showed beyond all doubt where the fire was coming from.

Regardless of all these factors what remains is UMC had already lost those bases long before admin

Don’t feel bad we still love you guys. If someone comes takes over your donor planet from you again
you can still call us to come clear them out. We will most likely occupy your planet again like we did
before the last wipe. I don’t understand why the planet owner remains in UMC when you wouldn’t
even help defend it from RAT.

Nope :slight_smile: Concordia belongs to me.

Your complacency towards the rules and being respectful is … I know you are just acting ignorant and know what is happening here, but in case you really don’t I’ll explain it to you since I didn’t have the time when I posted it.

DEFINITION: A Bug or Exploit, for the purposes of HWS Law, is defined as “Any mechanic, whether executed in or out of game, which creates a condition that was not an intended functionality of the game OR HWS Server features.”

I’m sure you know of the bug where if you land your ship upside down on the ground you can see through the ground.

I see on the minimap an op4 sv approach from above and just start chillin above the ground where I am. It was colin, if that matters, I say “better not be looking through the ground at us… that’s an exploit”

colin responds: “oh we arent, just chillin upside down, nothing against that.” (obviously colin knows thats how the exploit is achieved and is being sarcastic and complacent towards the rules.)

taco describes it as “its no different than using page down”?

Does that explain it or are you still going to be ignorant and disrespectful (for what reason again btw? just because you feel untouchable?)? edit: last question is obviously rhetorical

Bro, I wasn’t looking through the ground. I’ll say like I said before… I was just chillin upside down. The only way you’d know what we were doing is if you were using the terrain glitch yourself. So you can stop now. Thank you. :heart:️ Sorry we didn’t give you a day to tunnel to our bases. Took the smart choice and finished you quickly.

Oi, stop hijacking our thread :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

OP4 didn’t turn up at 23:00, surprise surprise :roll_eyes:.

To be fair to @colin2cold, he and a friend did show up at 01:30. Well, what I mean is: one of our last faction members online came across him raiding our neighbour’s base. I was still in discord so I jumped in-game and our other last member online began warping back from ECC. Then we hatched a plan… :grin:

You see, Colin’s known for flying ships with more blocks than I can count—the kind of class 3 ship that can tank damage for hours and then still escape to safety—so we had to be smart.

We decided @Hedge3, our faction mate on the ground, would do the neighbourly thing and use an HV to push Colin and his friend away from @Thranir’s base. But first, he set all his guns to target turrets only. You see, we didn’t want to scare them away… just slowly disarm them while they thought it was a 2v1. We let this go on for about 10 mins until almost all the turrets were gone and the HV was ready to quit. One of their ships landed to re-arm and we decided that was the perfect moment to pounce. Wrighty and I used the pincer maneuver to attack them from opposite sides in our Class 1 comabt SVs… seeing the terror in their eyes as Colin’s buddy literally turned tail and ran leaving Colin alone was beautiful.

We danced around Colin’s SV, dodging most of his fire, and before he knew what was happening this was all that was left of his ship:

Looking at his ship, I can understand why Colin is such a proponent of keeping Class 3 SV restrictions. This ship has no less than 22 layers of pyramid blocks in front of it’s vital components at the mid-rear. Even in this sorry state there’s still 8.5k blocks there. From these lofty heights, dropping to Class 1 must be a terrifying prospect. Btw, thanks for the blocks Colin!

Anyways, I love Class 1 SVs personally. Earlier in the night I used this raider (designed by @Fulgrim) to win a couple of 1v1s, one of which was taking down a much larger SV:

[dark image to save exposing Fulgrim’s 1337 design skillz]

Even when this guy’s friend came to collect him in a fully-armed CV they warped out rather than carry on the fight (I think the real reason they warped out was that we were in the black hole and they knew the rest of the faction couldn’t be too far away, as opposed to the sheer terror of being attacked by the raider… but still! :upside_down_face:). From the wreckage of Colin’s ship I could make 20 of these. Beautiful.

We knew we’d be going up against one of Colin’s behemoths so we used a slightly more tanky Class 1 against him, two of our faction designed Stormcrow’s:

We could ‘only’ make 4 of these from one of Colin’s. It’s wonderful to fly though and takes on much larger ships with ease. But yes, I can understand why you might think the sky would fall if we were all restriced to Class 1. You would have to design ships with a specific purpose, rather than being master of all [or should I say most… eh Colin? :wink: ]. Take that raider I was talking about, it has 8 guns on it, 2 ammo boxes and a single cargo box. But it maneuvers like one of those #%@$ing annoying flies that just wont leave you alone and it’s too small for most people to hit.

This is the point in the story where I should probably admit I’m definitely looking back on these battles with ‘slightly’ rose-tinted glasses. Honestly, I’m a complete n00b and I don’t know what I’m talking about. I started playing Empyrion multiplayer 2 weeks ago so most pilots would probably wipe the floor with me and I’m just chatting :poop: tbh. But I saw an opportunity to give a bully that likes to taunt and torment and talk over his victims a taste of his own medicine AND make my case for Class 1 SVs/HVs all in one go… I couldn’t resist!

Also, to Colin: you claimed your ship was bugged. I’m sorry if that was the case, we didn’t notice anything unusual - but as I said, I’m a n00b so maybe I missed something. Instead of you offline-raiding us everyday forever in retaliation, as you claimed you were going to do [really, would we expect anything less?], why not come back for a rematch? If 23:00 is too early for you lets arrange a time and place that is convenient for both sides. The only reason for my trash-talking is to try and make you realise it’s not fun when someone does it to you. I don’t mean it and we’d love a good fight sometime. I’m sure you’ll school me in the rematch. So… when and where? :cowboy_hat_face:


I’m disrespectful because you and most players here give no respect.

You whine and complain when things don’t go your way. You come up with asinine ideas for rule changes to “balance” the game that will hurt the community as a whole. You come up with every possible reason to blame someone else for your short comings and lack of foresight. The toxicity I have seen the past few months on this server is disgusting and you all need to grow the fuck up and start asking yourselves “what could I have done to have prevented, won, or escaped this situation?” If you can’t, then kindly keep your mouths shut and try get even. I personally am getting really tired of all this hate. I’ve got enough of that in my life.

Oh and if you feel that there are exploits being used, feel free to talk to an admin. Don’t bitch about it to the community on the forums.

[quote=“Mattcore37k, post:18, topic:6631”]
UMC is still butthurt?
[/quote] Why would we be we said GG and all you guys could do was be satly about winning lmao.

[quote=“Mattcore37k, post:18, topic:6631”]
your base was admin choice
not Op4’s we wanted to finish looting them.
[/quote] lol mfgtfo you guys called the admin.

And in the end ofc they came when we where offline again.

It must feel good to offline raid and get nothing… We have all our stuff in the bunker so we are good.

Fenix was online when we started, even shot him down. Not my fault he went offline.

Well as usual you come over when we dont have people. its was about 6 in the morning when you startet raiding… Well have fun. You wont find anymore bases to raid.

I’m sorry, its PvP, are we supposed to wait for people to show up? I didn’t get the memo.

until OP actually works again no one is safe

Well if you where doing it once i wouldnt talk about it. but when you go over every night just to raid people that you know is offline its just a bad joke.

As i said. We dont care. we have the bunker so we are safe anyway.

The problem is that you are destroying pvp for everyone else. No one can be online 24/7. So No one is building bases.

In the end its the biggest reason that everyone lives in pve and destroying those fields.

But please tell me. Do you even have a base in pvp ???


Don’t worry, its not a bunker either.

Bases are not permanent constructs. They are intended to temporarily fortify a location in favor of the defenders.

If your bases are dying while offline, to anyone including a carebears first adventure into pvp space, it is still working as intended.

It is not impossible to locate targets in space, either, and have them raided/destroyed/looted.

I am still calling OP4 out for a fight. Pick a day and time and we will try and be there.


There are too many free resources on the server.
For that, nobody can rightfully deny a duel.

They will never accept. they are cowards.