What happened?
=> I was leaving the golden sphere mission and I got a message saying there’s no place to put me, try again latter when trying to use the Super Gate. When came back latter I noticed YGO had parked 3 vessels to camp the gate. They were no where around and not in the mission.
Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE NA
When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 12ish server time 8 or so hours ago from this post
ok I missed that, I destroyed the svs camping gate but when I try to leave i still get this message.
I think the dead ships are still blocking people from going back thru the gate because there too close to it. I get waiting on the other side of a gate to jump someone but parking your ships so the gate no longer works, doesn’t seem right.
yes, that’s usually due to delays in the structure commander updates. sometimes
takes a few minutes after destroying nearby structures. not much can be done about that. basically another risk of venturing into PvP land. only bring what ur willing to lose. if u lose nothing, u have won
Camping in terms of you can jump is allowed due to the randomness where the exit is and as long as players don’t go crazy on that and spawn 100 structures around a Super Gate.
However, blocking the exit would be a new rules case which is not what I want to see.