What happened: Can not reset Player(s) with issue: Dawg Server: NA Time (cb:time): Write here Playfield: Write here Structure Name(s): Write here Structure ID(s): Write here How can we help you now: I guess there is a limit to CB:reset and I reached it. Can I get a full reset? I also put in a ticket for the FA supply but feel silly as there is so many ways to get even more freebies.
Great work guys sorry to have to bother you with this. Wanted to check out a few of the starts and the first 3 were rough trying to get that ship. LOL.
Yeah I did not realize this and I have nothing at all. LOL. On the lawless starter. Really was just looking to see which was the better starter. Love what you did with Freelancer so wanted to go back there once and for all. I lost the first 3 trying to figure out how to get the rep to get the ship to get out!! LMAO. You guys did it again making the start very interesting. Love it.