Change limits for PK1-4 systems?


I am working a lot lately on the website / backend. Sorry if the cache didn’t come through.
As announced at the very first beginning of HWS 3.0 PK4 is only to fly through / 1 CV since you already have PK1+2+3 for parking in orbit and 3 planets in that orbit!!

Just think more about the server performance and less about flying as less as possible :wink:

Epic… I asked week for dat exception for PK4… I got it… for 4 days… and now change again?.. Thats not srs.

And How I get home now? :smiley:

I changed it for the other PvE orbits :slight_smile:

But maybe you see the problem yourself here:

ONLY because of PK4 I implemented the Elemental Gas Station with millions of Blue Crystals. I had some backthoughts as I created the universe :wink:

For what? For empty space? Create some planets there, than it gonna have some sense.

Ofc I see problem for me. I asked it before, not for someone’s fun or joke. I asked it, bc of no reason to have 2 BA (!!!) on dat planets, that soon wouldnt have any free space for new players!

em… There some crystals on planets. Other way, we always could go to Daimos for them… Mb place Gas Station on PK1-3 ?..And let us had 2 CV for PK4…

btw. Dat pictcha infos, is unreadable. PK4 - 2 CV, 1 BA. And for the same time: Planets gots 1 CV and 2 BA. And what we had as result?.. o_O

You remember my poll? It was before you joined HWS. Most people wanted space stations, not planets. PK1+2+3 are same as PK4.

Don’t matter if planets or space. Every PvE which don’t get wiped is already overcrowded.

If you fly with your ships out of Destiny for example you enter an orbit with 200 structures on it. What do you think will happen?
Exactly: a topic in “Get Support” → “Admin, my ship is gone”. Keeping PK4 as clean as possible helps everyone with this.

Ofc. And u remember my post: where dat 100500 space stations on PK1-3 of that people, who voted for it? Its empty. We all see how grow the number of BA on planets, and how it close to limits. And we didnt see any messages, that some Pk1-3 systems got tons of stations (btw they had core too)

It has matter. Where u gonna take O2? I didnt see any fun always fly to Phobos for farming O2. And I think noone gonna do that. Its looks like better make CV-HQ, and leave PvE Starter systems for wipe, and go back… Like roms.

Idk, bc I live on Prediction. And I had 1 CV there. And one I hold in space. Thats different CVs, for different targets. And they didnt get limits in blocks. Even in summ. And didnt loose any thing for week… Mb bc that all my own BP-ships, and not bc of number cores near me?

Well then the poll wasn’t good and we will do better in HWS 4.0. It is a survival game after all where you have to fly around for O2 :wink:

For now I think limiting PK4 is better than wiping it, no?

O2 generators, was picked in game just for that.

Wiping? Why dont create more planets in other system? Why all new players, asking for not wiped PVE planets, and why they had no choice? Bc some people some months ago voted for… For space =\ And now we all see overlimited planets. I couldnt understand that…

I dont get it, its a survival based game where lots of people seem to not want to survive but start with prosperity???

Also, elemental gas station has millions of blue crystals? Delete please!!! Move in demand resources (apart from Iron) out to the edges of space. Next thing all these PvE fanatics will want a simple trader they can fly to in safety to just buy packages from the server so they don’t have to interact with any other players!!!


Survival - thats just a word. This game so easy, that any one could survive everywhere. U just need farm in time for that.

About start - i couldnt understand. What u mean “to start with prosperity” ??? All starts in same conditions, and all of us wonna have safe-house. Its normal. And all MMO give that (for Example: guild halls, ects)

Just for now, u could live ONLY in PvE, and buy all resources on BM. This is game mechanics.

Thinking longer term than our own collective navel - if this game wants to be billed as a ‘survival’ game and (looking at HWS) you want a thriving multiplayer then the current set up doesnt work. What it becomes is ‘online single player’ in that everyone sits in their safe space and just builds stuff. You can do that on one of 2000 servers currently running Empyrion, I figured Jascha and Rexx wanted something different with HWS.

This game is early alpha and needs a ton more work and personally I would love it to go more PvP (not just fighting) so there is an element of challenge in all aspects of the game. If it is just going to be a safe sandbox you can build in I’ll find something else.

Its impossible. Before they optimize game core for fightings, we wouldnt get full PvP-world. Why? Bc simple SV could ruin EVERYTHING. While we wouldnt have some OP deff-turrets, and mb some kind of shields - we wouldnt see any buildings in PvP-system.

And ofc, looking on FPS in 3-4 ships fight… Man, if I wonna PvP in space - better go to Star Conflict and get fights 10x10 (and more) without any freeze-mode, than waste 1-2 hours for slide-show called Empyrion-PvP. For now, I just farm, chat and explore. Mb some moment I try my ships in PvP, but with my old PC - that gonna be suicide action.

You still don’t know the what core problem Empyrion has. More PvE planets won’t change the problem. They will just be delayed.
We have to go with limits and there are enough orbits around instead of PK4.

Ye, I couldnt understand it. Reasons:

  1. We reach 200+ builds on Destiny, and that already become "OMG we all gonna die!!111 go wipe!!11"©
  2. We didnt reach 200+ cores on Prediction, but it doesnt metter. Bc we must look on whole system (why?)
  3. We must go to SPACE, bc a couple of millennium ago, some “players” votes for living in space… But I couldnt understand, how it must help with cores? Cores on planet, or in space - what is the difference?
  4. PvP planets are uninhabited bc of useless Deff-turrets, but there is no Core limits in space (why?)

There are a lot of contradictory with core limits in different situations…

And ofc Its inevitably. All new players looks for safe Planet. Then the question arises: Do we need new players? 5 days, 2-3 new players every day (I play every evening after work) ask only about PvE-planets. Mb we need to watch by practical needs, either by theoretic forum votes?

What the difference, if problem in CORES? Or its in planets?

There is a technically difference. Orbits are just a biome with just few operations running in the background (aliens, warping mechanism).
Planets on the other side have animals, gravity, water simulation, mountains, pickup plants, atmosphere to render if a ship enters or leave, deposits, meteorites, anti grief distance and so on.
Planets consuming more performance than orbits. That is the main reason.

We have about 20+ new player per day and yes we are beginner friendly. A lot of new players just don’t understand why we have to wipe often and how much performance Empyrion needs.
Basically what you want is a single player in a multi player. That is due performance reasons not easy to do. There are a lot more things than just “want to build, want to chat, easy peasy”.
Right now we have a really good balance but still not perfect (too big universe, for example). HWS 4.0 will be better regarding this.

Ok. Than problem in Planets, not in number of cores…

That just all we had. Game Core couldnt support fair mass-PvP, and there is no balance in ship weapons… Ofc u’ll see 90% builers/chatbots.

Exactly :smile: nothing HWS can do to solve this. We just Working hard for you guys that you can still have fun as good as possible.
The more feedback + Logs you send to us / devs the faster we get a better game

…but what i’ll keep saying until my fingers can keep pushing on the keyboard is:

Even if the game gives you chances to sit and look at the stars the whole time, if you want something more from this game, BUILD IT!
Force yourself to not use things that bring the game away from what you want and experiment new ways of play, even if everybody else does in the “easyest way”.
Usually in all the MMO (specially Eve online, where i came from) the best moments of my playtime are about losing the ship because i did a risky action, which i could easily avoid!

My 2 cents…

Hmm im to wise already to read this whole but…

200 BA cores on planet would be probably same demanding as 200 BA cores in space. Exeption migh be structural integrity computing, not sure how that works in 0 gravity.

Only difference would be in playfield demands and i think space with no objects is probably less demanding than planet with terrain changes, animals and all other crap.

While server has problems with too many open playfields already living in less demanding playfields as space seems logical to me.

Another thing is that it would be good to adress a lot of suggestions to developers of game not to admins of server where game is runing.

As far as i know this game has so well done multiplayer that devs suggest max 16 players on server. So i think restrictions on HWS are very much like nearly no restrictions.

My 1 cent…