Change limits for PK1-4 systems?

I feel your pain Alex but there’s no need for a 2nd, expensive CV in orbit.
For example, I have created a fully plated ‘scout CV’ just to enter PvP space, go mining and fly back. It has no weapons and minimal systems but is plated all around. Basically just a flying cube. And it does not even take 1500 iron ingots to build! (that’s less than 1 ore stack)

And since PK is PvE, you do not need any expensive ship with weapons anyway. If you want to fight in PvP, just park a weaponized CV on the nearest PK planet (like Prediction). If your base is near the planet, it takes you half a minute maximum to reach your PvP CV on the surface.

Also big thanks to the server crew for spending exorbital amounts of time and heartblood on the server and websites. Too bad that 3.3 wasn’t the ‘stability and bug’ reduction the devs announced :expressionless:

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Basically u are right.
But some moments need to be clear:

  1. Visit PvE system, better made on Colony Ship. This means, u need 1-2 Constructors, 2-10 Cargo-Boxes and Garden, and no turrets. Little bit heavy, but didnt need heavy Armor and Turrets with Ammo-boxes.
  2. Visit PvP systems - u need great maneuverability with few turrets, for being not so easy Target. Yes, it must be small, and didnt need Cargo boxes or Constructors… But it need 1-2 layers of Armor, and more Thrusters for better acceleration. Who knows, mb some Pirates camps such warp-jumpers near?

This difference, not so big, but its real. Ofc, U could made some heavy Carrier, with Gardens, Construction yards and Cargo-boxes. With 10-20 Turrets, and use it with the same targets… But its too expensive for usual use. My Scout-CV eats in 2 times less, than Colony ship. And Carrier, gonna eat the same, as Colony Ship (or even more). Thats all I had to say…

Ofc, now this rule ruins my plans, so I start to create such Carrier. Bc of no choice )))

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Again my burned neurons try to understand the problem and try to solve it (Yep, i can’t do anything else, i’m an engineer). But i need some more info:

Why you need to have the Scout CV and the Colony CV in the same space?

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Btw i’m an engineer too.

And logic ask u: Where is my start point? Yep, Its PK4 (place, where my HQ spawned). And now the main: I need to go somewhere (PvE/PvP) - my actions? Take the CV by missions need. And How I could pick it, if I had only ONE of them near? Move to other PK-systems, pick another CV, and only than go where I need… So I need to make 2 more actions in warp, with n1 risk to lost all (I hope u remember about warp-bugs?) :slight_smile:

Logic simple: different situations - different tools©

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Ok, i supposed that this was the reason and yes, you already got “the solution”.

Now i ask you to put on a balance the 2 weights:


and this:

What do you think is better to follow and why?

(I add as a personal statement: CV should not travel with full cargo bays. Bases are made to be the warehouses, CV are made for travels and to get banged :smiley: )

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Man, Every evening I hear ONLY about lost in warp. And never on Orbit. Ofc, thats didnt mean that such loses impossible, but… this is what I see. And Im sometimes go to Destiny, and I didnt even lag there. Just tons of structures. Even Phobos lagged more, but it didnt have such count and massive buildings, as on Destiny.

(if u travel to PvE-Start system, u’ll go back with 3-4 Full Cargo boxes of ingots… It only for one day farm. If u farm 3-4 days - than ofc u need more Cargo boxes to transport dat all)

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I Lost my SV on pk4 (Orbit lose)
Help! Warp crash issue (Warp lose)
Lost my CV and 3 SV warp (Warp lose)

Those are the first 3 thread that i found about ppl Warping or coming to orbit and lost their ship

All are from ppl INCOMING to PK4… (i think that 90% of them are about that, but i’m sure that admins can confirm or not my %)

…now according to you, is it a problem of the “Warp” or of the “PK4 overcrowding”?

I don’t know the answer, i’ve just my idea.

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By your logic line, I need to move from PK4, bc its so dangerous place… That all are disappear there :neutral_face:

And ofc if I dont move there, I need make more warp-jumps to other system - that would help…

Man - problem in Planets. Not in space. PK4 had the same space, as PK1-3 (Btw, PK3 is already like parking for CV). PK4 just had more online, and more structures.

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Well then, man, you already know a lot more things than me…i can’t be of any help here…but what i know for sure is that the part that i quoted in BOLD is exactly what admin are saying in game with the red messages…stop building on Destiny, stop building on PK4…or we can say in one single way:

Stop bringing shit in overcrowded playfield.

The rest is up to you.

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Thats why I move my 2nd CV to PK3, and creating one universal CV, to replace the last one, and didnt need it any more. All, bc I hear Admins, and read rules. Will it help to PK4? - Im not sure. While there is no more PK-system with planets, PK4 always gonna be overcrowded and over-lagged/bugged, didnt u think so?

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Again, that’s up to the one who keep staying in PK4 “because it got planets”.

Is the need of a planet so strong that you can sacrify the playfield stability?

We got a GAS STATION in the middle of the PK zone, that means that you can go almost “for free” to any PKx system.
Does it cost so much to put a O2 generator on a PK4 planet but settle in PK1-3, live there and go once a week to PK4 to take the O2 bottles?

Well if the answer is YES, man, i don’t think that a rule can solve the problem, because it is outside the game borders.

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Man - Why u play it? Its simple question, but answer on it will give u understanding of situation…

This game, over-bugged. Its Alpha. Ye, 1st time I go here, I wonna build big CV and go fight. But after few experiments, I understand SIMPLE thing: This version of game, COULDNT give me fun from PvP. I could only build, farm and travel. So that I do. I love snow planets, and I live on such. (Btw, when I arrive, I had place on all planets, to make HQ, bc Destiny for that moment, wasnt overcrowed).

So such questions, like “Why do u need planets?”, is a little bit stupid. All of us, goes where we wonna be. Some goes to space, some to Planets, and some goes to PvP space/planets. Why should I need to go somewhere, where I didnt want to be???

So my reason - I wonna Live on SNOW planet. How about that?

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First note: my “Again” was about the fact that “all” is up to the person who made a choice.

That’s a lame excuse…cause ppl overcrowded the “breathable” planets and i don’t think that they simply wanted a base with a seaview window.

But i’m not going to drill-down that aspect of the game…i don’t want to create a rule or say to ppl how to think.
i’m just asking to everyone a question, the one about the balance.
Choose what is more important for you, your “Snow chalet” or the server stability.

You asking “Why you play?” i can answer it, but is MY choice and doesn’t have anything to do with the other ppl’s choice.
I play on HWS because i like survival games, i like sci-fi games, i like to create new models and use them to fight against ppl (i’m a Robocraft fan). I like to build on planets, i like to build in space, maybe i prefer one or the other, but i’ve to balance it with the server issues and the Alpha-stage of the game.

That’s all, make your choice, again, is all up to you. You can quit, you can stay, you can make ppl lag, ppl can make you lag, you can build on planets, you can build on space, you can find it fun, you can find it boring, you can follow a rule, you can ignore a rule, you can give yourself rules, you can follow the easy path, you can follow the hard path and so on and so on and so on…

…in an ideal situation we don’t need Admin rules, we can go to the HWS Connect, see if the actual Playfield is near saturation, break down our bases and move to another playfield…just because we made choices according to inputs and OUR PERSONAL rules

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No variants = no stability. Why all go PK4? Bc only PK4 was created for ppl’s fun. Thats fact. And server needs, goes on 2nd plan.

This wouldnt be our choice. This is just necessity… U didnt watch what better for ppl, u only watch what better for server. No fun, just walk by road of “need to be”…

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I can’t add anything more to the discussion.

According to me you’re missing the focus, I’m saying the what you call “Better for server” can only create more fun for all, but you want your rule for your needs and so the others, so we keep overcrowd the place WE WANT without thinking that if we all go to take it, nobody will enjoy it.

What i can do is to add some philosophy to the discussion and say that, I know, it needs strength to choose to let something you want so that more ppl can get something they want :shinto_shrine:

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Im glad you added phylosophy :shinto_shrine:

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+10 for interesting and meaningful discussion

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