Chat Command | Description |
cb:? / cb:??? / cb:help | Provides you with useful information regarding the server and chatbot. |
cb:info | Displays your playtime and other useful information. |
cb:wipe | Displays your personal wipe timer for structures in the starter system. |
cb:reset / cb:restart | Completely reset your character and start over. You can do this every 12 hours. |
cb:tips | Displays an assortment of tips that may be helpful to you. |
cb:getshipdown:id | Brings your ship above you down to you. Read more about it here. |
cb:stuck | Provides with a way to get unstuck in vessels. |
cb:rules | Displays a link to the server rules. |
cb:admin | Provides you with a list of HWS Admins. |
cb:time | See the current server time |
cb:NextWipe | See upcoming wipes. It shows you exactly how many days/hours/minutes up to the next wipes. |
cb:NextRestart | See upcoming restarts/backups. It shows you exactly how many days/hours/minutes up to the next restart |
cb:log | See the path to your log files which need to be sent to the devs if a crash happens. |
cb:destroy | CB:Destroy:ID = Destroys the structure with that ID. Only your structures! Faction admins/founder can also destroy faction structures. Abuse leads to ban!! You can use the command only if no enemies are around you. 2000 meter in space, 350 meters on planets. |
cb:getshiphere:ID | Moves your ship to you (only on same playfield or orbit). |
cb:gotoship:ID | Gets the ship closer to you in case it’s stuck |
cb:w:[player-name or ID]:message | Sends a whisper message to that player |
cb:startjobs | Starts a pending offline job (for example your Daily Loot) |
cb:sethome:ID | Set a structure as your “Home” to be able to jump to it after you died with the command below. It must be a CV or BA and you have to be near it. (you get the ID by typing “di” in the console and look at the structure) |
cb:gohome | Use this command after you have set your Home with the command above and after you died to be able to get teleported home. |
cb:warprescue:ship-id | Use this command after you warped and got a disconnect. Most of the times you are in a different orbit than your ship. This command should bring you back to your ship. Find the ship-id with “di” in the console, check your Registry > Statistic or use HWS Connect. |
cb:Ewarp or cb:EwarpECC | Will teleport you back to where you came from or to ECC if you were teleported to proto space due to a playfield crash. |
cb:undock:id | If you can’t do a CSW because “docked ships”, execute this command to get it fixed. |
cb:restore:id | Since docked ships get sometimes deleted for more than 2 years now, we have still no way to reproduce it and thus Eleon can’t fix it, we added another help-yourself-command. Get the id of your deleted ship from HWS Connect | Empyrion Homeworld Server |