Coming HWS meta change on 09.09.2016 - 9AM (GMT+2) | 3AM (EDT)!

I edited the post. Change 2.2 should be carefully read.

Yeah, trying my best for today.[quote=“Elfias, post:18, topic:819”]
Limit it more

SVs and HVs coming soon. The limits I posted are the first very strictful step. We don’t want to fuck up too many people. Nothing to do with friendliness. We thought we could activate it for 3.0 but there was a bug. So that is a teaser so to speak for 4.0. Till then we learned lessons and restrict even more if needed.

HWS Meta preview

The universe is in the sketch. The system which will be removed are marked with a red X. The new repositioning under the universe, beautiful painted xD

But about the new supply packages here is the teaser:

Some thougs on this new packages:

  • the Trader supply before was too good. It needed a nerf. That you have no fuel at all now should focus you to still trade or mine for it (you have gold now)
  • the Hunter supply focus on a go in mission style. He has everything on board to fullfill his job.
  • since Pirates Home are PvP playfields they get a good supply to live this dream.

I will announce it on friday again but since it is already implemented and some asked here is how the Repuation Point system works:

  1. Lawless don’t have or get RP at all
  2. Alliance getting 1RP per day and with it a passive income of 1000 credits + 1000 * RP per day. We increased it. What I am building next and will be live of friday: As soon as an Alliance member has 5 RP he is able to see the universe map like before. No “???”. So only he can see how many cores are in what playfield. Kind of a global “fa:scan” ability
  3. Trader getting 1 RP per day IF he is warping at least one time within 24hours. This should prevent camping on one place and pushing more supply transports to others
  4. Bounty Hunter getting 1RP and 1000 credits + 1000 * RP credits per day IF he not dies within 24 hours.
  5. Pirate getting 1RP per day if he has NOTHING build in PvE. Well that he can’t be on PvE is nothing new.

So now the interesting part comes into play:

  1. you are only able to use fa:supply if you have at least 1 Reputation Point!
  2. As soon as you change a faction you have 0 RP again!

This prevents as you see the regular faction change and supply abuse. It should focus more the Role Play part.

We are now discussing if Trader are allowed to have 0 cooldown on OCD on PvP and how to prevent Trader going Yolo Mode on other factions.

So let us know what you think and hopefully you like the changes so far :slight_smile:

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Which planets will be where on the new map?

Secondly, I like the supply changes however trader may benefit from some additional lower level ingots.

I like the warp requirement but its easy to get around - the supply transports thing is a misnomer, insta market kills any requirement to actually transport anything anywhere. No bonus for traders having RP? So once I have 1 RP and can use fa:supply - which past a certain point will be pointless anyway - the warp requirement doesnt matter anyway.

Is there a cap on RP? Long time player + bank bonus = infinite money.

    • does this mean any structure? i.e. CV or BASE or only BASE? Don’t think any pirates have bases in PvE - there’s frankly no need for a base other than vanity right now so it too is also a bit of a damp squib.

I think there needs to be some level of cooldown but traders shouldnt be as penalised - maybe a sliding scale based on RP to fix the above point?

Other than that more change is good!

Alright, alright. My Painting skills are not good. Here you go:

Traders are not only there for trading. Also for helping people who are in need in the universe. IF we implement the HWS Marketplace and remove the global one from Eleon then you see why we add this.
For Pirates and Traders there is no long-time benefit for now. Like getting more credits per day per RP like the other two. But this will come later for sure. Kind of a bonus since the RP system will be more and more important.



The meta change is a reflection of the current meta. If we nerfed the Trader too much we adjust them over time again. I already have an idea to implement a long term RP system to them, but later more :wink:

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Awesome thx Rexx :smiley:

The changes are awesome, on the old system people having a look and being like…errrm i’m a Trader i guess…Now you look at can see the clear benefits of any faction but they do all differ.

So much more balanced and the role play will now potentially be a lot more even, not just pirates and traders fighting each other.

Seriously, from a week ago raising some possible work on points to this… :astonished:

Cheers for the effort Rexx :grin:

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tons of turrets = lagggggs… Give tons of turrets to Pirates… wtf? Where is logic?

Read closely or wait I help you:

Now count the turrets on the new supply package. Now compare your “tons of turrets” in number. Where is your logic? :stuck_out_tongue:

And generally: Turrets can be destroyed so they have some in backup.

2 days ago, I fly NEAR dat PvP-bases… How fc… it lags. There was near 5 BA with 5-10 turrets on each. Ofc, some guys with PC from NASA mb could shoot that down, but I didnt think that all had such PC… And ofc, we try to make game less lagy, so we give more and more turrets to Pirates. Ok. mb this will help them to make All gold planets full on BA with turrets.

The current state of the game regarding lagging is mainly because of the Patch 3.3. Before we hadn’t such problems even with bigger bases with more turrets. So fingers crossed for coming Patch.

Holy cow took a quick look its nice. Realy quick look but you know whats bad in this world? That some group will “sacrifice” someone and make him alliance so they will have a way to see not see ??? and get info where to strike.
Its sad as it would be nice to play with ppl who simply accept rules and how its meant and dont do stuff like above. Maybe something like long range yes, infinite range no, like you see only surrounding sectors.

Love Alliance/Hunters sallary, we are getting somewhere, but Im afraid Kalsius is right with some limit, just spend 20 minutes trying to come out with formula for that. Need more coffe but i think about something like leveling in games. First level is fast and than its harder and harder to reach higher level. This is too linear, after 30 days ill be payed 31k credits x 10 alliance mebers, too much. Maybe its ok if max is 15k per day, i mean compare it also to other Story Faction bonuses and what can Alliance member buy for his sallary per day.
Again most important is what player will do with that cash, if its used to help others its ok, if it will be used to build huge Alliance cube its problem.
Or I can loose RP or better not gain when im not doing Alliance job right way, i fail to protect, im killed by pirates, i loose base to bad guys.

Just quick thoughts, its realy game development slowly. Imagine system in which you can “call for Alliance help” so Alliance clearly knows where to go on mission and gets RP for success.

Elfias, the thing is some groups will always find a way to play the system. EVE was chronic with it. Pirates didn’t have any of the consequences of being the bad guys as they all had a high level ‘clean’ faction alt in safe space able to do all the things they couldn’t do with their main char.

Same will happen here, we are already seeing people as trader faction but being pirate so they can have the trader benefits but be a pirate.

It all really depends on what controls can be implemented and how far you will go to implement those controls.

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That is what I planned from the beginning. Not easy to build and really going the game development road but sooner or later it will come.

For now we will see how to limit it. Never had a guy 30 days in one faction anyways (you loose all RP if you change it).
So let’s see.

About the global fa:scan… I can make it upgradable maybe. 5RP = 3 PvP systems, 10RP = 6 PvP systems, 20RP all. Don’t know. Need to be in my coding-mania style.
Maybe I should learn how to code Unity…

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If you put a cool down on traders how are they suppose to for full orders if they have a cool down on getting there stock out?

Maybe cool down on putting stuff in but not for taking stuff out

As a trader, i’m still not understanding where is the problem…

…maybe that you’ll need to take the things from OCD the day before and put all of the in an Hauling ship and bring the things to the trade location?

I think I remember something along the lines of after every 10 ocd actions you have a 15min CD or something along those lines. It goes someway to stopping Traders spawning a ship, dropping stuff out of OCD and then going ape on a base or CV, dieing and repeating ad infinitum. Its one reason I think some pirates go trader faction right now as it allows permanently fast replacement without boundaries whereas other factions have a cooldown or limit.


Kalsuis I understand that but then your punishing the rest who play trader the correct way, if cool down for 15min after 10OCD would help fix that issue then that isn’t so bad and I think that’s ok, but if there is a cool down on OCD everytime I need to use it, so that if I’m trying to fill an order and I cant because I have a cool down (sometimes I like to sort requests on market which means I need the stuff there and then) then whats point been a trader and all because people are abusing it.

Wow that is a massive nerf to Traders and now I see the equation the benefits of being in the Alliance are equally massive.

So I join the alliance - wait 30 days. Get 1000 + 30*1000 credits per day.or 217,000 credits per week. Compare that to any other faction…

And the proposal is to nerf the trader further by introducing a cooldown on OCD?

What exactly is the purpose of the new Trader FA:Supply package. It now looks like a care package for a starter player. There isn’t enough to make anything useful in there - perhaps a few blocks and a starter base. Is this the intention? I can see the point of the other FA:Supply packages but the amounts now in Trader don’t tell me what we are supposed to do with it.

Given current trading conditions I can’t make anything like the equivalent that an Alliance player will have available (for free) per week. I think you have gone a little far with these changes.

The Wolf

I think Traders need no cooldown on OCD simply to keep the market, whether it be this current or the custom HWS, It will put people off being a trader if not and then where do we spend all our money…

you fancy mining iron daily? Been there and done that. Traders serve a huge purpose for all other faction choices i believe

The package being reduced greatly is enough for the trader not to be OP. If people choose not to follow the rules, As i found yesterday with some dude saying he was happy he was a ‘Pirate trader’ To which i said thats not following the rules…he replied ‘wrong.’ So be it, If people don’t want to respect the rules theres not a lot we can do. Rex can ban over n over n more n more people but that’s just wasted efforts and time. Just advise and ignore, report if really taking the biscuit and then add them to the ‘Long term HWS community hate list’ So we can all feed them some justice in game lol (By attacking them i mean not justice in the way of words, that just causes to many problems!)

On the paper you are right and they are kind of “swimming” in credits.
But keep in mind that:

  1. no one was in a faction for long till now
  2. holding a player long in a faction is good for the role play though BECAUSE you missed their jobs :wink: From the Story page:
    2.1 be a guardian for Traders
    2.2 help new / weak player by protecting / taxi service / etc.

So IF they would doing this their salary would make sense, trust me :wink:

As mentioned some posts above: we are not done with the RP system. Stay tuned for coming changes.
Thanks for the feedback!