Coming HWS meta change on 09.09.2016 - 9AM (GMT+2) | 3AM (EDT)!

So looking at the trader points I have this:

  1. supply package is pants - if traders are really going to be traders we need 2 things a) longer trade routes, b) actual f**king trade routes - then supply can just be blue crystal, I’ll get my own goods to sell kthxbye

  2. OCD is OP. What do pirates pirate if everyone keeps everything in OCD? Also, see point 1, we don’t need trade route if we have OCD. Even if you make ppl travel to designated trading zones I just put everything in OCD, fly there in the cheapest crappiest thing I have and then spawn from OCD when I get there - trader has no role anymore.

  3. OCD should be a wipe protection mechanism, not a IWIN button which is frankly destroying gameplay. OCD shouldnt be your daily inventory - it should be the thing available to allow you to gt past the wipe quickly and try out the new shiny (if Eleon give us that).

I will probably get some serious hate for the above (and as a trader it will hurt as PvP is so fundamentally broken in this game) but it is the road to making trader a defined faction with a purpose. Traders need to have the niche when it comes to trading, lets find a way of doing that so being in the faction means something and other factions need to have us there to support their work. Right now, trader is a nothing faction, alliance don’t have to protect us, pirates generally don’t get anything good from attacking us (no loot, no real fight) and hunters can’t gernerally be unsure about us :smiley:

Anyways I made the below - anyone interested I’ll get some printed :stuck_out_tongue:


No Hate Kalsius, But Empyrion is so buggy, the game its self isn’t safe to keep your stuff in especially the way CV disappear lately, so we need OCD to over come that, in fact I lose more to the game than I ever do to PVP which is crazy. If stuff never disappeared I would be all in for getting rid of OCD as you have made some valid point about what a trader really should be but as its stands I don’t see it working

With Windmill here, Its a really nice idea Kalsius…traders actually hauling their loot from planet to planet, perhaps with a few alliance watching over…pirates just waiting to pounce…the reality is the loot would be gone after you warped, hell the the cargo ship has probably disappeared completely leaving a trader with nothing, nothing for the pirates to attack and nothing for alliance to watch over.

When/If the game becomes more stable in the future with luck OCD will not be needed for anything but wipe saving :smiley:

until then


Yeah I completely get you guys. I havent had too much trouble with random loss luckily but for me the fact PvP is broken makes it not worth while. An 18 gun SV can annihilate pretty much any CV right now (unless you count the similarly ridiculous 500 gun Thranrir special) so it is kinda broken. The only two factors right now are guns and armor.

I play much less now thats for sure, HWS is the only thing keeping even remotely close to Empy atm so I’ll continue to throw in my 2 penneth :smiley:

Sigh… yeah sorry, to be honest we are bit frustrated about the laggs and nothing we can do about it. It hinders us from doing cool stuff.
But thanks though Kalsius. OCD is also not so Trader friendly. That is the reason why we want to make an interaction with OCD next. But that means we building HWS Connect 2.0 which is a bit of work technically.

We really want to provide a very cool gameplay but we really can’t if the laggs/drama/bugs, etc. getting more and more :cry:

I think in a lot of ways many active people on here have similar thoughts on how HWS can take Emp further than the core game and we seem to have very similar views. I am sure there are a number of us who would be very willing to act as a sounding board for new ideas and concepts before they go out to wider community feedback.

I agree that the multiplier ‘x’ may be low right now but in 30 days it will be 30. Back to my 217,000 credits per week arguement and I don’t see a downside.

I have read the Story page and while I really like the ideas there no Alliance player has ever offered to protect me - or anyone else while I have been playing (at least in visible chat). The story is a nice idea but only rules that you are able to code actually have any meaning. (I do see a couple of players being a taxi service - so good for them).

However 2.5 months down the line when those alliance players are making 500,000 gold per week and I am still wondering what I can sell at a profit I will be switching to Alliance.

I don’t mean to sound too negative and I can see you are just trying to do a balance pass RexXus so I will be sticking to Trader to see what you come up with.

I think a lot of that has been linked to how alliance was never really appealing, the rewards weren’t very good so it was almost like…why should we protect others, what do we get for being the good guy?

The new update should help with that

Unfortunately it wont help with what has happened the past 3 nights, which is really starting to F@@k me off seeing so many people complaining about Traders attacking other traders for no reason, Traders going around like pirates.

With all the dramas with the current 3.3 This just isn’t helping. I really hope it stops from Friday, It makes me want to contradict myself and say get rid of the OCD no cooldown, then Those people who fight on their terms can no longer hide behind the innocent T.

Nothing can be done to prevent i feel unless the core game gives us options such as ‘Allies’ Then The good community of traders can all team up against the rogue…along with allinace, pirates and everyone else so they can abuse the system but will pay by naturally being at war with everyone.

Besides the core of TVT having been playing this game for 3 months straight, we got tired of always having to do hard core pvping to keep the wolves at bay. No matter if we had the OCD or not, we would have anything we built destroyed by pvper’s, and despite the efforts of some, the wolves just kept on coming.

Some questions:
I would love to know how long it takes before the 1RP is deposited to my character after I make a jump?

Because the player base for this server is not large enough for there to be a lot of planets, we have no need for there to be so many solar systems, evidenced by your choice to reduce the number of planets (which I think the OCD worked better from the HWS 2 map which had us traveling in a striaght line), but as my opening statment suggested, the last pvp faction who harrassed TVT (a trade faction) were not stopped by the alliance, TVT and our allies stomped the borg for their unwarranted attacks.

As of right now, I am in college and that will take up the majority of my time, reading 300 pages per day, writing essays and the such. The OCD as it is, would be very helpful to the trader and the casual player who isn’t looking for a fight, and seeing as the alliance factions aren’t of much help, a necessary evil given that the rewards for fighting pvp players are only in the bragging rights of the alliance (or other player who fights the griefing pvp player).

In truth, and I do not know how this would work, but if the alliance faction are to have any real pull in this game, ground bases and space bases need to be made near defenseless to the alliance factions, specifically as the alliance seems to be the law enforcer with the big guns. That means orbital bombardment weapony that would penetrate deep into the ground, from the safety of orbit or way away from a space stations weapony. Hunters obviouslly would be contracted to move cargo, but a small scale mining operation (as resources are acquired in this game) would not cover the fuel cost of a meaningful defense for the trader, much less the fact that this game does not offer the ability to set alliance standings and thus the trader’s auto cannons to be set not to kill the hunter protecting them.

don’t turn on OP! just don’t!

I learned 2 things:

  1. this has no reason or clarification why
  2. there is no other suggestion or feedback

So for now I ignore this then.

  1. because it will reduce pvp even more and ppl like me who can only play at nightime wont have any pvp at all
  2. Offline Protection should provide infinte ammo and increase block health(server setting), and not make the base invincible at all. my suggestion: no OP is more fun than the OP what we have right now
  3. because thranir thinks same.

btw. i said galaxy is way to big, we need smaller one. u said no, now u make it smaller… at least think of me when u disable op again.

ah that is better :stuck_out_tongue:

huh? Did I miss something? You said it for 3.0? In what way I said no?

And if OP is off you have suddenly people to PvP with? Isn’'t it more the fact you can raid defenseless bases cause the victim is sleeping, what is no PvP at all anymore too? :stuck_out_tongue:

I can send it to the devs if you haven’t. For now I am asking them if they could add a delay time after combat logging.

Generally yes, the OP right isn’t the best but PvP is even more worse. There are some people who hide in Ornate for example and like to go for a “hunt” in finding bases on PvP where no owner is online. Either they ammo drain now or finding other sneaky ways in. So PvP needs a boost. We tried to boost it with the size of the universe, the resources there and some rules but the ammo drain and core glitch was still there.

Now we have the 150m anti grief distance - no digging grief/exploit. Now we have a new world with functional OP again - no “sleeping PvPvE”.

Mainly I hope / think they adjust the OP in the very near future so we adapt it then.
The 24hours by the way are for the active gamer. Even with OP there are enough “vicitms” out there :expressionless:


This - no Op as I won’t get PvP at night time - what are you smoking?

Play on NA instead :smiley:

Perhaps OCD (as it is an “orbital” drone) should be connected only with one system (planet and space) and allow you to put in and get your stuff from it only while in same system.
You should be able to move it to another system, but only if your OCD is empty. This will make traders again traders and put some obstacles for bad guys hiding in PvE and attacking in PvP and instant respawning their stuff after their death.

Sorry for my poor english.

at least some kind of challenge.

i did, but devs dont listen to me, thats why the game has 2k players instead of 20k :slight_smile:

didnt think of that possibility. i dont like playing with high ping tho.

L O L. Challenge? VS who? :smile: vs turrets? :DDDDDDDDD

I love such rats. They always wonna easy wins. Play vs empty Base (its PvE btw), and name it PvP :laughing:

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if u dont want to get raided go play single player!

If u dont want raid bases with online players - use your own advice.

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i want to raid bases, no matter if there are ppl or not. but i dont want to search for a rich base 3h, take another 5h to breach in and to find empty cargoboxes bcs ppl have their stuff in ocd. i want to have more resources after a raid and not less.

and btw. a playermade base is harder to raid than a npc base. = more challenge. am i wrong?