Sorry for the inconvenience.
CSW takes a minute to complete. Your ship seems to belong to you already.
I warped you closer to/in it.
I restored also your backpack
In HWS 11 we wanted to teach players how to put their armor on.
Since you probably have chosen Pirate Tutorial or so, you had no armor at the beginning.
And before you could finish the Tutorial to put it actually on, you got already warped to your CSW stuff.
Just an oversight from me regarding Tutorial <> CSW.
We changed it now that everyone, even on Tutorial has an armor at the start.
I just have to test if this is reflected afterwards now or not.
If not, like in your case maybe, it would mean I have to wipe the whole planet. Which would be not good.
A bigger issue overall.
We can’t fix this as I said.
Just hop in your ship, do CSW back, put an armor locker on your SV/CV, put an armor in your container, do CSW over again, put the armor on yourself.