CV/SV parts fusing lead to problems

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Misplaced parts bug:
-parts of my CV fused with docked SVs
-shield generator despawned after stargate usage, took some damage from POIs
-Most importantly: I was mining one phoenix for over an hour, got over 4 erestrum and zascosium asteroids, but the ore container is empty

Player(s) with issue:
=> mark-o-solo

=> EU

Time (cb:time):

=> Phoenix/Binomi

Structure Name(s):
=> Anubis

Structure ID(s):
=> 486459

How can we help you now:
=> Please transfer the equivalent of ~4 erestrum and zascosium asteroids, as well as 2 neodymium onto the ore container of my ship

We can’t track this unfortunately. Hence we can’t do it.
This bug is annoying and please, report it to the official bug section. It needs more attention:

There is a bug report for this on the official site already. It’s been reported for a long time now. Unfortunately unless someone has a way to reliably reproduce this bug then the developers have said there isn’t much they can do about it.
This is one of those bugs that they can’t fix if they can’t reproduce it, and they have been completely unable to reproduce.

So please do head there and provide any and all information you can think of. If there is anything specific you did leading up to the bug then please share it with them. The more information provided by more and more people then the likelier this will be figured out.


And please always keep in mind that we have a reward program for reproducing bugs.
Since this one is waaayyy tooo long in the game the reward will be a lot higher.
So in case anyone can reproduce it 100% (best with video and step by step description) and it leads to the fix of the bug, the reward is for sure!
So maybe make it your mission to find it.

Thank you all for reporting those issues!


I dont know what you can get from the logs. But I assume you can see:
-the time of my presence in phoenix
-damages my ship took
-whether i was AFK or not
So with all this, unless you assume I was just idly flying around, I believe you have all the evidence that I was mining.
Please reconsider transferring the resources, Id hate to have spent hours mining for nothing.


I’m sorry, but as Rex mentioned, nothing we can track nor replace.

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