Do:ac not able to determine last owner (me)

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:

  1. I placed an NPC/alien core on one of my bases.
  2. I waited a few minutes, then typed do:ac:22273997
  3. I received a message saying "Sorry, we could not determine the last owner. Please talk to an admin.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Phoenix

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> 02 May 2020 9:48

=> Stella

Structure Name(s):
=> Deconstructor Processor

Structure ID(s):
=> 22273997

How can we help you now:
=> Please set the structure to either private or faction. Thank you!

The do:ac: command is partially working. Maybe we deactivate @Jascha ?
See here what you should do - the fifth step.

If it does not work, let me know

Awesome, that worked! Guess I was still using the procedure from several seasons ago. Thank you!


easiest way to alien core a structure is pop in the core, press tab, click the control panel on the top right, make it urs :slight_smile:

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