Double stacked ship after repairing at Trade Station

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> Repaired ship at trade station which resulted in a copy being double stacked offset vertically by about 6/8 blocks… In the process we lost the 2mil+ credits to repair, The Alien core installed and a Alien core in storage. Spoke to Assistant Bob and he advised to Salvage and then Recycle. During the repair, a double core was created. One Alien and One standard. I did not salvage those because I wanted the Alien Core back. OCD Level 5

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Razor

Server? (EU or NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE NA

**When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)**Saturday Morning EST

On which Playfield?
=> Tallador

Structure Name(s)?
=> NCC Victoria II (2521308)

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> (2521308)

How can we help you now?
=> Replace ship/Alien Cores/ Money, it’s all up to whatever your policies are. Anything is better than nothing. Not easy for a husband and wife team to rebuild after this. Have a great day!

This is the second type of this bug.
Unfortunately a video or detailed process is missing.
I try and check the backups.


Spoke to Assistant Bob and he advised to Salvage and then Recycle.

@Bob that is a very bad advise!
Please keep in mind: if bugs happen: FREEZE. Do nothing. And wait for us to resolve this.
Touching anything voids any claim for support normally…

I try to get back to you today about this.

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new bugs = new procedures :frowning:

That’s old mate and count for anything where we have to step in:

We moved forward because another player stated he had a ticket in for something similar for over a week with no resolution. A week to my wife and I is a long time. We simply are still learning the game hence the ship repair for going exploring. Personally, I thank Bob for his direction. We’re trying to plow forward.

If you are trying to track anything I have said. As far as the Alien Cores. Both my wife and I are Master Patreons. We received 2 Alien Cores at start of season. Lost one while taking delivery because we were new. Purchased 2 more a couple days ago which you can track. If you check our vessels. Old Timers Guild (OTC) you’ll see only one ship with a alien core. I’m guessing I lost the one in recycle because that level is only 3. Didn’t know that had to be 5 until after. The missing one has not been found. If this is closed, please let me know. Wanting to know if we need to grind again or not. Thanks

I gave you the 2 Alien Cores back now.
As said, can’t restore the ship anymore, because you recycled it…
Next time just don’t touch it, so we can follow the tracks properly.

Why the repair failed for you and the other guy in another ticket: I don’t know. Maybe a new bug.
Then again, I am missing too many details what exactly happened during.
A video is always the most appreciated medium.

Hopefully there isn’t a next time but if there is. I’ll get you whatever you want. Thanks

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